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Monday, August 04, 2008

Knights of Columbus Launches Fatherhood Initiative at Convention

Hope For a Suffering World: A Fresh Tough Look at a Tough Subject

Mothers Tell Harry Reid to Read Up On FDA Antidepressant Warnings

Bestselling Author, Vanessa Davis Griggs, Delivers the Second Book in her Blessed Trinity Trilogy, titled: 'Strongholds'

Luis Palau Book Available at Beijing Olympics

The Search of Humanity

McCain and Obama: A Classic Ali-Frazier Fight: Don't Count McCain ('Frazier') Out Yet; He Too can 'Shake Up the World' by Alonzo Brooklyn

BlackChristianNews.com/BlackCBC.com National Bestsellers List

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Troopers Run Amok, Conduct Mass Arrest of Pro-lifers in Maryland

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Christian Film, 'Standing Firm' Continues Production Along with the Church of its Creators

Concerned Roman Catholics Call on Knights of Columbus to Expel Pro-Abortion Politicians

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, August 01, 2008

John McCain's Weekly Radio Address

Kay Warren Reveals Solution to Gender-Based Violence: The Worldwide Church, Which Offers Hope to the World

Is the Obama Campaign Orchestrating These Weird Episodes by Blacks and Others to Make Him Look Normal and More Like the Majority Community?

Men: Former NFL All-Pro Wide Receiver Wants to be Your Spiritual Coach

The Bestselling and Award-Winning Author of 'The Amen Sisters' Confronts Temptation and Redemption in a Powerful New Story Titled, 'Up Pops the Devil'

Modern Parable will Teach Children and Adults Alike to be Clay in the 'Potter's' Hands

Just Days to Go Before TheCall, DC

Campaign Announced that will Focus National Attention on Tiller Criminal Case

Hear Demitri C. Kornegay, Author of Man Up! No Excuses ? Do the Work! Life Lessons for Men Under Construction, Talk about Fatherhood and Responsibility on 'Black Men Revealed', Sunday, August 3, 2008, at 10 p.m. on TV One

Church has Role in 'Great Advance' against AIDS Pandemic, Says Leading Cleric

Absolute Friends

'Jesus: The Lost Years' Surpasses DVD Sales of 200,000 Internationally, Secures Multiple Airings on TBN and Approaches Summer Release at Christian Retail

Tennessee Public Officials Negligent of Performing Sworn Duties

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Exclusive: I Am Love - 08.08.08

Beijing Christian Book Store Owner Shi Weihan's Condition Deteriorating in Prison

Richard Viguerie Admits: 'I WAS WRONG!'

FrontGate Media to Exclusively Syndicate Faith-Based Video Content for Fast Growing Vidshadow Online Video Network

Chinese Government Plans a Browse Through Foreign Journalists' Internet History

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