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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gospel Music Channel Enhances Web Site

Injunction Granted in College Fraternity, Religious Liberty Case

100 Youth to Lead CEC For Life Prayer Vigil at Florida Abortion Clinic

Biblical Teachings Come Alive in African Children's Book

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Close the Back Door

Care Net Names Lawrence Breeden Chief Operating Officer

Remarks by the President after Cabinet Meeting

Rape Victim Recounts Trauma of Abortion in New Book

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Philanthropist Gives Caregiver Scholarships/Contest Open

Richard Viguerie: Stevens Indictment Symptomatic of Corruption in Politics

Richard Viguerie: Bush White House Hides True Scope of Federal Deficit

Tiller Motion for Expanded Jury Denied, Trial Date Set

Church Security Solutions Launches Conference Series in Response to Increased Church Violence

President George W. Bush Meets with Bob Fu in White House

Center for Student Missions Names New President and CEO

Fresno Court Rulings Affirm the Value of Janet Rivera's Life

Fulfilling Her Purpose

Catholic Clergy Call for Reparation in Response to Communion Desecration

Decision Upholding Ramos and Compean Convictions a Farce

Please, Listen to Me: Tips for Becoming a Better Listener

Most Widely Used Missal Program in U.S. Now Available with Daily Readings

IRD Questions California Marriage Ruling Impact on Clergy

The Untold Story of the Mount Hood Tragedy

The Untold Story of the Cold War's Most Daring Mission

Monday, July 28, 2008

Operation Rescue to Tiller: 'See You in Court'

UCC Renewal Leader Apologizes to Roman Catholic Diocese of Boston

Local Artist Displays Original Art at Operation Rescue's Memorial for the Pre-born

Planned Parenthood Temporarily Suspends Abortions in South Dakota

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Gillani of Pakistan After Meeting

China -- Mixed Signals; Persecution of House Church Christians Taking Place Despite Some Positive Olympic Developments

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