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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Minnesota Abortion Statistics Again Show Disproportionate Impact on African Americans Says Dr. Alveda King

Abunga.com Hosts Author Chats: Psychological Thriller Author Melanie Wells Joins Online Family-Friendly Bookstore July 16 to Kick-Off Chat Feature

GOD TV Experiences Huge Boost in Viewership Due to Florida Healing Coverage

Beijing Police Knock Down Door with Hammer and Evict Christian Rights Activist Hua Huiqi and Family -- Behind the Scenes Surprises During US Congressional Delegation Visit in Beijing

A Presidential Message -- Independence Day, 2008

Statement by the President on 2008 G8 Summit

UNPFA Loses $235 Million Due to Pro-Life Group's Efforts

Care Net Applauds 8th Circuit Decision to Protect Women's Health

Women of 'Operation Outcry' Applaud Judges Requiring Abortionists to Tell Women the Truth

Nordskog Publishing, Inc. (NPI) Announces the Re-launch of Their Website

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Obama Losing Votes in California by Backing 'Same-Sex Marriages'

Situation is Still Dire for Neglected Cyclone Victims in Burma, Says Christian Freedom International

This Christmas Get Organized and Spend Time with Christ -- Not on the Run

New Book Boldly Confronts the Christian's Greatest Battle

Stephen Peroutka, National Pro-Life Radio: 'We Must Follow the Lead of African American Pastors in Their Call for the Defunding of the Racist Agenda of Planned Parenthood'

Christian Defense Coalition Responds to Senator Obama's Speech on Faith and Values

By SB200, A Colorado Judge Can Censor the Bible

Children can Use Their Spiritual Gifts for God's Purposes Today

Families Mourning Children Head to Nashville

Monday, June 30, 2008

Twin-Spin News Conferences as Pro-Lifers Picket NEA Convention & State HQs Nationwide July 2

Colorado Law: 'Publishing of Discriminative Matter Forbidden'

Wisconsin 2007 Abortions Fall a Dramatic 14%

Melinda Watts Crowned Gospel Dream 2008 Winner

House Church in Baiyin, Gansu Province Persecuted; Five People Placed Under Administrative Detention

Poetry: A Classic and Effective Approach to Combating Stress

Giving is on the Decline in America's Churches: Want to Know Why -- New Book Provides the Answer

Pro-Homosexual Researchers Conceal Findings Relevant to Same-Sex Marriage Debate: Openly Homosexual Parents Influence Sexuality of Children

To Heaven by Faith - To Hell with Tradition?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Statement by John McCain on Meeting with Reverends Billy and Franklin Graham

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Radio Address of the President to the Nation

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