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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Unbalanced Committee Courts Presbyterian Moral Relativism

Richard Viguerie to Conservatives: 4 Dollar Gas is a 'Teaching Moment' -- A Chance for Conservatives to Hold Liberals Accountable

Idol Gospel--Christian Style Finals Air Sun. 6-29 at 9pm ET on GMC

Scarborough Says that, Like Dr. Dobson, He was Appalled by Obama 2006 Speech

Catholics Protest: Over 14,000 Complaints call Jerry Springer Show Blasphemous

SBA List President Available for Comment on Reaching Values Voters

Evangelicals, Military Leaders Call for Executive Order Banning Torture

Statement by the President

Leading Eating Disorder Treatment Center Identifies Popular Diet Myths

Wumblers on DVD July 18th, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sichuan Church Faces Government Persecution; 20 Arrested, 7 Detained, 2 Sentenced to Education Through Labor

IRS Investigating World's Leading Internet Evangelist

Remarks by President Bush and President Arroyo of the Republic of the Philippines in Photo Opportunity

An Anniversary Marked with Age-Old Conflict and Murmurings of End Times

Eyewitness Confession: Live Infant Stabbed to Death by Tiller Abortionist Shelley Sella

Daily Slaughter of Children Means Very Little to Our Major Presidential Candidates

Crosstalk International Signs Agreement: TODAY WITH GOD SERIES to Reach Taiwan, China and Asia

Monday, June 23, 2008

ProtectMarriage.com Urges Supreme Court to Reject Effort Denying Voters Right to Vote on Marriage Amendment

Faith-Based And Community Initiatives National Conference

Pro-Lifers Encouraged to Picket NEA Convention & State HQs

Young People Plan to Join Major Protest to Expose the Extremist Abortion Policies of Senator Obama as He Speaks at a California Fundraiser

Mainline Renewal Leader Calls for Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) to Reject Anti-Semitism

National Gospel Music Month Proclaimed

Rob Schenck to Give Pro-Life Message to Thousands of Youth at Creation '08

Scarborough Speaks Out on Obama's Meeting with Christian Leaders

Playboy Magazine Interviews Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue, on Abortion, Pro-life Activism, and America's Ethical Demise in July 2008 Edition

One-of-a-Kind, Christian Cookbook Celebrates God, Food, Fellowship

'Homeschoolers are Only Good for Cleaning Toilets'

Judge Roy Moore, Foundation for Moral Law, National Clergy Council, and Faith and Action File Joint Brief in U.S. Supreme Court Defending Utah City's Refusal to Install 'Seven Aphorisms' Monument in City Park Containing Ten Commandments Monument

Twelve Year Old Boy Spends 50 Nights Outside to Help the Homeless

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