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Monday, June 02, 2008

Pro-Life Leaders Promoting Nationwide Prayer & Picket of NEA Teacher Union Convention & Offices

I Stand with Pastor John Hagee

Kingdom Racing Begins First 500 Miles of Journey at Indianapolis 500

Planned Parenthood Sued for $50 Million for Injuring 13 Year-Old During Abortion

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Text of Obama's Letter of Resignation to Trinity United Church of Christ

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Remarks by President Bush at Furman University Commencement

Church Resignation a Gauge of Obama's Integrity

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, May 30, 2008

White House Gulf Coast Conference Highlights Success of Nonprofits to Help Rebuild Gulf Coast Education

Earthquake Survivors in China Receive Another Six Water Purification Systems from Water Missions International

A Proclamation by the President -- National Child's Day 2008

Release of Court Documents Heightens Call for Investigation of Planned Parenthood Says Dr. Alveda King

Remarks by the First Lady at White House Conference on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

The United States of America ? A Judicial Monarchy

Christian Band, Bread of Stone, Speaks Out About Persecution of Christians in Indonesian Homeland

The Marriage Chaos Begins

Sky Angel to Reach Record Chattanooga TN Crowd on May 31 as a Jfest 2008 Title Sponsor

GodTalkNow.com Upgraded with Controversial Articles and Now Videos

Pharmacist in California Refuses to Dispense 'the Pill' and Celebrates One Year of Conflict Free Pharmacy After 35 Years of Experience

Over 700 Couples to Support Life Time Commitments to Marriage

Young Broadcasting Disseminates False and Misleading Information in Anti Christian Campaign

Thursday, May 29, 2008

California Clerks Urged to Follow Marriage Laws Despite Refusal by California Supreme Court and Governor Schwarzenegger

Governor Forces 'Gay Marriage' Rulings of CA and MA Judges on the People of New York State

White House Gulf Coast Conference Explores Ways to Strengthen and Extend Role of Nonprofits in Disaster Response and Preparedness

Mr. Troy Newman, Operation Rescue West, Resigns Suddenly From His Church; Operation Rescue Identity Theft Legal Complaint Linked Below

New York Governor Passes Over Citizens, Legislative Process in Latest Marriage Ruling

'Not One Shred of Evidence' That Tiller Party was Auction Prize

Soles4Souls(TM) Inc., the Shoe Charity, Opens New Warehouse in Tennessee

Human Life Amendment Signatures Certified ? Historic Amendment Officially on November's Ballot

Former National Operation Rescue Leaders Publicly Support Operation Rescue Director Troy Newman After Randall Terry Files Unbiblical Lawsuit

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