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Monday, May 19, 2008

Prominent House Church Leader Detained in Xinjiang on Separatism Charge

Author from Seattle Claims that Stress is God's Alarm System that You're Living According to a Counterfeit Purpose

Melinda Delahoyde Appointed President of Care Net

Remarks by the President After Meeting with the Secretary of the Treasury

Interview of the President by Richard Engel, NBC News

SBA List Releases Radio Ad in New Mexico Highlighting Anti-Life Record of Rep. Heather Wilson

U.S. Supreme Court to Determine Meaning of Second Amendment

Simon, Paula & Randy®: Look Out

New Audio CD--Words of William Wilberforce. Dramatic Excerpts from Wilberforce's Best-Selling Book

THE BETTER HOUR National High School Contest Honors Teen Public Service and William Wilberforce

Christopher Willcock's New Music Sure to Inspire World Youth Day Attendees

Pregnancy Resource Group Asks High Court to Encourage Doctors to be Honest with Patients Considering Abortion

What Exactly is the Religion of Bush Who has Proclaimed Hindu Holiday Dwali, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, Year of the Goat, Year of the Rat; Referred to 'An Almighty' and Said Christians/Muslims Worship Same God

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Remarks by President Bush to the World Economic Forum on the Middle East -- As Prepared for Delivery

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Remarks by President Bush and President Karzai of Afghanistan in Photo Opportunity

Radio Address of the President to the Nation

Friday, May 16, 2008

Christian Defense Coalition Calls for Apology from Governor Huckabee in Reference to Comments Regarding Senator Obama

GFA Relief Shipment Received in Yangon

Run, Cole, Run by Richard A. Viguerie

Christians Should Step Forward to Protect God's Creation

CWA to Hold Press Conference Against Pornography

Remarks by the President at Roundtable with Israeli Youth

Carlson will be a Visiting Professor at Hillsdale College

Broward County Poised to be the New Home of Gospel Music with the Construction of the Gospel Complex for Education and Preservation

Rev. Peterson Blasts California Court on Same Sex-Marriage Ruling; Calls on Black Churches to Support Marriage Amendment

Liberty Counsel will Ask California Court to Stay Opinion Until Californians Vote on Marriage

A Proclamation by the President -- World Trade Week, 2008

A Proclamation by the President -- National Safe Boating Week, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Catholics for the Common Good Disappointed by California Court Marriage Ruling

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to Host 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable on Disaster Preparation and Response

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