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Thursday, May 15, 2008

IRD Slams 'Supremely Arrogant' Judicial Activism of California Definition of Marriage Ruling

Burmese Government Denies Cyclone Relief Aid to Karen Christians

Christianity Today Magazine Offers Fresh Take on Gender Wars

California Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Proves it's Time to Target State Court Judges

California High Court Overrules People

California Supreme Court Forces Homosexual Marriage on California

California Pro-Family Response to State Supreme Court Ordering Homosexual 'Marriage' Legalization

California High Court Decision Striking Down Marriage Underscores Need for Congress to Pass AFM's Marriage Protection Amendment

California Supreme Court Betrays 'We the People' on Marriage

Steven Mosher to Appear on EWTN, Guest on Raymond Arroyo's the World Over

Divine Idea: A Simple T-shirt Can Change People's Lives

Pastor Will Bike 4,000 Miles for Mothers and Babies in Mali

Rambo's Final Interview on Gospel Music Channel

Byron Cage Tour Sponsored in Part by Gospel Music Channel

Carlson to Keynote at International Conference on Family and Society in Barcelona, Spain

Feder to Attend Catholic Family Conference in Italy, Meet with Pro-Family Leaders in the Netherlands

'We Get It' Campaign Kicks Off Campaign for a Million Signatures

Catholic Religious Ignore Abortion at Corporate Meetings

Journalists, Editors Eligible for $5,000 Scholarships for College Religion Courses

Remarks by the President to Members of the Knesset

California Supreme Court Marriage Decision - A Catholic Perspective

Soles4Souls(TM) Inc. Set to Celebrate 'Barefoot Sunday' on June 1

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

California Pro-Family Leader to Respond Thursday to Supreme Court Ruling

Formal Court Date set for Persecuted Uyghur Christian Alimujiang Yimiti; CAA President Bob Fu Responds to Controversial Remarks Made by Evangelist Franklin Graham

4 Winds Statement on Olympic Evangelism in Response to Franklin Graham

PRI Celebrates Population Milestone

Remarks by the President in Jerusalem

Presence not Performance for the Worship Institute Conference

Men at the Cross ? New Men's Outreach in Arenas Nationwide; Joe White Leads New Discipleship Movement in '08

New Hidden Sabbath Truths Reveals Stunning Bible Connections

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