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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Seven House Church Leaders in Shandong Detained for Bible Study; One Pastor from Taiwan Expelled; One House Church Pastor in Jilin Wounded

Young Artists Preserve a Musical Legacy, with Astonishing Results

Update on Prosecution of Uyghur Christian Alimujiang Yimiti

Bo Pilgrim Recognized for 25 Years of Workplace Evangelism

Richard Viguerie Launches UltimateJohnMcCain.com

News Conference on Continuing Ten Commandments Controversy

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Reaffirmation, Reformation, and Repositioning at Heart of 'An Evangelical Manifesto'

Judicial Action Group has Mixed Reactions to John McCain on Judges

Water Missions International Prepares Water Purification Systems to Aid Survivors in Myanmar

Heartwarming Mother's Day Celebration at San Antonio Epicenter's

Remarks by the President to the Council of the Americas

Wikipedia Peddles Porn to Kids

JCTV Rises Like a Dove from the Hawaiian Island of Oahu

Remarks by the President After Meeting with House Republican Conference

Washington, DC News Conference on Ten Commandments

Reproductive Loss: Speaker and Author Michaelene Fredenburg Urges Dialogue and Healing

Dr. Alveda King: 'Abortion Man' Video Is an Assault on Human Dignity, Just Like Abortion Itself

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Remarks by President Bush and President Torrijos of Panama in Photo Opportunity

Death Toll Climbs into the Thousands for Cyclone Victims in Burma

Gospel for Asia Reaching Cyclone Victims

Crouse Says 'Evangelical Manifesto' Muddies the Evangelical Waters

Richard Foster's Life with God

Tiller Loses Bid to End Grand Jury Investigation

House Churches of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Attacked, 12 People Detained; Bibles and Christian Books Confiscated

Mosher's New Book Explodes the Myth of Overpopulation and Exposes the Abuses of Population Control

New Online Quiz Reveals How Pastors View the Bible

Register Now for a Free Seminar on May 14 for Journalists: China, Religion & Human Rights

Is Mohammed a Murderer and a Pedophile -- Shocking You-Tube Video Revels the Darker Side of the Writings of Islam

Remarks by the President Commemorating Military Spouse Day

Remarks by the President Upon Signing H.R. 4286, Congressional Gold Medal: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

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