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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Remarks by the President to Members of Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride

Protection Program Helps Keep Sexual Predators Out of Church

Remarks by President Bush and President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority in Photo Opportunity

Priests' Group Announces Humanae Vitae Resource

Women Tell of Coerced, Illegal Abortions as KS Governor Continues Abortion Corruption Scandal

Remarks by the President at White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools

Providing Greater Opportunities for Our Children by Ensuring Access to Faith-Based Schools

The Jerry Falwell the Public Never Knew

Wisconsin Right to Life PAC Endorses Sen. John McCain

Statement by the President -- Armenian Remembrance Day

Ashamed of Jesus at the National Day of Prayer

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Remarks by the President on National Small Business Week

New Web Site Establishes Safe Environment for Those Changed by Abortion

The New Book that CAIR Does Not Want You to Read

Pharmacist's Rights of Conscience Goes to Wisconsin Supreme Court

Regent University's ReelDreams Film Competition: Discovering the Next Great Redemptive Filmmaker

Remarks by the President at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring Dr. Michael Ellis DeBakey

Proclamation by the President: Loyalty Day

Leading Pro-Life Advocate Mocks Abortion Polling

We Want It, We Need It

OKC-Based Senior Care Program to Launch National Franchise Operations

This T-shirt Can Change People's Lives

Rallies Target N. Korean Abuses: Ironically, Olympic Torch 'Journey of Harmony' Passes Through Abusive Country During 'N. Korea Freedom Week' April 26-May 3

LifeWay Christian Stores Enters Exclusive Deal to Launch Modern Parables DVD Bible Studies

The Christian Defense Coalition Calls for President Bush to Boycott the Summer Olympic Opening Ceremonies in China this Tuesday

'Defeating Loneliness' the Enemy Within

Statement of Human Life International on the Death of Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This T-shirt Can Change People's Lives

National Day of Prayer, 2008; a Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

Pro-Family Coalition Urges 'Day of Silence Walkout'

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