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Terry / Broden Campaign Gaining Ground: Ballot Access Secured in More Key States

Randall Terry for President
Aug. 27, 2024

WASHINGTON, Aug. 27, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Terry / Broden Campaign is charging ahead, and our goal is within reach! Just confirmed: Louisiana and Florida have officially placed the Terry / Broden ticket on the ballot, bringing the total number of certified states to a powerful seven—and this is just the beginning.

The campaign is now on the ballot in New Jersey, Louisiana, Florida, Idaho, North Carolina, Oregon, and Wisconsin. With states like Colorado, Mississippi (where the Constitution Party is already on the ballot), Alaska, South Carolina, and Michigan on the horizon, simply waiting on state certification the campaign is poised to secure ballot access in 12 critical states!

Randall Terry, Presidential Candidate and Constitution Party Nominee, declared, "Our presence on these ballots is a direct challenge to the status quo. We will use this ballot access to run the ads on our website, and hopefully, help defeat Kamala for the White House, and defeat amendment 4 in Florida.”

The Terry / Broden Campaign has unleashed hard-hitting TV and radio ads designed to shake up the establishment and rally Americans to our cause. Visit Terry2024.com to view the ads that are already making waves across the nation. For direct access, click on TV ADS or RADIO ADS.

The campaign’s momentum is undeniable. With ballot access in 10 states, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules grant the Terry / Broden Campaign the right to advertise nationwide without censorship from broadcast TV and radio. We’ve met that goal—and we’re not stopping there.

Join the Movement and Witness History in the Making

This campaign is legally entitled to advertise in any state, once we are legally on the ballot in 10 states. Here’s the citation that backs our nationwide advertising power: 47CFR73.1940, defining Legal Qualifications by the states.

SOURCE Randall Terry for President

CONTACT: Todd Baumann, Special Guests Publicity, LLC, 512-966-0983, Bookings@Specialguests.com