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The Terry / Broden Campaign Just Achieved Ballot Access in New Jersey

Randall Terry for President
Aug. 15, 2024

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Terry/Broden campaign is excited to announce that the ballot access process for New Jersey has been completed and we succeeded in and contestation of our results.

Presidential Candidate Randall Terry stated,

    "We are thrilled to be on the ballot in New Jersey, because we can run TV ads in Philadelphia and NYC slamming Kamala and Walz."

Having completed the ballot access process in New Jersey gives the campaign a solid 10 states that we completed the ballot access process, and we just await the states final confirmation. There are 3 more states that are in process.

Terry further stated, "The Terry campaign is releasing two commercials to run in Philadelphia and New York City. :30 second ad: JD Vance might be weird, but Tim Walz is perverted. :60 second ad: Tim Walz on Trial? Walz should stand trial for his life for kidnapping."

Being legally on the ballot in New Jersey gives the campaign the ability to advertise in New York City and Philadelphia.

The radio version of the ads is currently on the campaign website at RADIO ADS.

For further comments or to schedule an interview contact:
Joe Slovenec
Campaign Manager
Terry / Broden Campaign

SOURCE Randall Terry for President