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Team Sarah, Pro-Life Reaction on Election Night

Contact: Joy Yearout, 703-380-6674, jyearout@sba-list.org


WASHINGTON, November 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President and Team Sarah Spokeswoman Marjorie Dannenfelser will be available to comment on Tuesday's Presidential and Congressional election results.


Who: Marjorie Dannenfelser

President, Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund

Spokeswoman, Team Sarah


What: Media Availability to discuss the following:

·        Presidential Election Results

·        Congressional Election Results

·        Governor Sarah Palin's impact

·        The abortion issue and its impact

·        The influence of the Catholic vote

·        The influence of the Women's vote


When: Phone interviews on Election Day, November 4, 2008 and in the days following.


For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Joy Yearout at (703) 380-6674 or by email at jyearout@sba-list.org.  


Since its founding, the nonpartisan Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund has helped elect 75 pro-life candidates to the House, seven to the Senate, and seven to other statewide offices across the country. The Susan B. Anthony List Voter Education and Mobilization Program contacted over one million pro-life voters in battleground states through radio, mail and phone-banking.


Team Sarah is a special project of the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund. Team Sarah launched www.teamsarah.org, a website for Palin supporters that has grown to over 44,000 members, produced "Wink, Wink," a web ad highlighting Barack Obama's associations, and hosted the nation's first Million Woman Townhall, a conference call featuring First Lady Laura Bush and other leading conservative women.


The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 150,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process. Team Sarah is a grassroots coalition of diverse women dedicated to advancing Sarah Palin's Vice Presidential candidacy.