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See Pro-life Super Bowl TV Ad Purchased in 11 Cities by Terry for President

Fund-Raising picks up steam. Campaign aims for at least 25 markets. (Super Bowl Ad and Markets Below.)

Mr. Terry is on a seven state, 21-city tour. Schedule at www.TerryForPresident.com

Contact: Juan Lepanto, 202-531-7547

ST LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 17, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Terry for President has released a 30-second TV ad to run during the Super Bowl in various local markets where Mr. Terry is challenging President Obama in the Democrat Primary.

See Super Bowl Ad at www.TerryForPresident.com

Randall Terry States:

    "The murder of our babies is the most critical political, ethical, and human rights issue of our times.  I am running for President to be a voice for those babies who have no voice...except the testimony of their mangled bodies.  They cannot flee, they cannot beg for mercy, they cannot defend themselves, they cannot cry for help, and they cannot band together to demand their right to life.  They are left to the cruelty of their killers. Their plight is more urgent than our economy, our wars, our entitlement debates, or any other issues we face.  I make no apology for helping their murdered remains testify of their humanity, and of our collective guilt as a nation.

    "Those who ended slavery, or child labor, or segregation, all used graphic images in their quest for justice. I am running these TV ads to help create a national crisis of conscience concerning child killing, in order restore the full protection of law for unborn babies. We must make it a crime to murder a human being from conception until natural death.

    "My final goal for 2012 is to cause President Obama's defeat in November 2012. If this ad causes Catholics and Evangelicals who voted for Obama in 2008 to come to their senses -- and they decide to protect babies with their vote rather than abandon them -- Obama will be defeated in 2012.

    "Our fund-raising has picked up steam. We ask pro-lifers to donate to our campaign so we can run this ad at www.TerryForPresident.com."

The Terry campaign has already purchased ad time in 11 markets.

Super Bowl ad purchases:

Ada, OK

Grand Junction, CO

Joplin, MO

Paducah, KY

Springfield, MO

Pre-game Super Bowl purchases:

Eau Claire, WI

Kansas City, KS/MO

Minneapolis/St. Paul

Oklahoma City, OK

St. Louis, MO

Tulsa, OK