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Pastor Steven Andrew Calls to Bring Back the Holy Bible and Christian Prayer in Schools

Contact: Pastor Steven Andrew, USA Christian Ministries, 877-537-8734

SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 27, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Our children need God back in schools," says Pastor Steven Andrew, author of "Making A Strong Christian Nation" and President of USA Christian Ministries. He is calling Christians nation-wide to bring back the Holy Bible and Christian prayer to schools.

He has declared September as "Bring Back the Holy Bible and Christian Prayer in Schools Month." This is part of a nation-wide effort for pastors, parents and teachers to bring up the USA's children in the "training and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4).

The timing is right with millions of school children praying to bring God back to schools at "See You at the Pole" events across the USA.

History supports God in schools. American schools were designed to disciple our nation. The Bible was the first textbook in public schools. Children prayed Christian prayers in school for 355 years until 1962.

"Separation of church and state" is a lie explains Pastor Steven Andrew. In "Making A Strong Christian Nation," he provides details that "separation of church and state" is: 1) not what our Founding Fathers practiced or intended; 2) not Constitutional; 3) not historical and 4) sin against God.

Justice Joseph Story taught that the First Amendment was for Christianity, not other religions. The First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise of [Christian] religion." Including God, the Constitution says, "The year of our Lord" and "except Sundays."

Noah Webster, "the Schoolmaster of the Republic," shared, "Education is useless without the Bible."

George Washington told Indians bringing their children for public schools, "You do well to wish to learn... above all the religion of Jesus Christ." Benjamin Franklin had Pennsylvania public schools teach, "...the excellency of the Christian religion above all others..."

Pastor Steven Andrew says, "American blessings will come by obeying God. We have seen the difference between God's blessings for obedience and His judgments for disobedience. Test scores, morality and the economy improve with Christian education."

He adds: "Why should the 80 percent Christian majority pay for public schools if Jesus and our Founding Fathers' Christian faith isn't taught? Our Founding Fathers fought for God's unalienable rights of Christian life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom comes from obeying God. Let's get active to bring back the Holy Bible and Christian prayer to schools."

Particpants are sharing web graphics, a handout/church bulletin insert and a letter from Pastor Steven Andrew at: www.USAChristianMinistries.com/September.html.