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Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Wants to Help Prevent Churches from 'Sending People to Heaven ... Early'

New York Times Best-Selling Book "Use Your Brain to Change Your Age" Outlines Plan to Help Church-Goers Reform Health in America

Contact: David Jahr, 949-874-2667

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., March 20, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Walking into church one Sunday, Daniel G. Amen, M.D. says he saw donuts for sale, bacon and sausage being grilled and hot dogs being prepared for after church. After sitting down, the minister referred to the ice-cream social the night before.

It was then, Dr. Amen had a sobering thought, "churches are sending people to heaven...early!"

Dr. Amen, a Christian and graduate of Oral Roberts University Medical School, New York Times bestselling author, and co-architect of The Daniel Plan at Saddleback Church, writes in his new book "Use Your Brain to Change Your Age," that although well-meaning, churches are "hurting us with the food they offer."

However, he also said churches that adopt a brain-healthy approach, as outlined in his new book, will have attendees who feel better, live longer, love better and have more energy to serve.

"We all want to serve the Lord, our families and communities as long as we can and with our best abilities," said Dr. Amen. "In my new book, and at my clinics, people get specific ways and examples of how to enjoy life longer. I've also created an online community where people can connect, for free, with others at The Amen Solution (www.theamensolution.com)."

Brain-Healthy Church Basics

  1. Replace donuts with fresh fruit, nuts or oatmeal.
  2. Reward children stickers or healthy treats instead of candy and cookies.
  3. Replace vending machines containing poor choices, with healthy snacks.
  4. Change the habit of serving fatty foods at gatherings. The pastor needs to lead by example.
  5. Enlist a small group, or workout buddy, to join you on a healthy journey.

Dr. Amen said the brain typically becomes less active with age. Yet, with a little forethought and a brain smart plan like the one outlined in this book, it's possible to slow or even reverse the aging process in the brain.

"Use Your Brain to Change Your Age," is available at www.amazon.com and Barnes & Noble stores.

DANIEL G. AMEN, M.D. is a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain-imaging expert who heads Amen Clinics, Inc. with locations in Newport Beach, California, San Francisco, Reston, Virginia, and Bellevue, Washington (www.amenclinics.com). He authored five New York Times bestsellers "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body," "Magnificent Mind At Any Age," "The Amen Solution" and his latest "Use Your Brain to Change Your Age."