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Terry/Broden Campaign Storms onto the Ballot in Alaska

Randall Terry for President
Aug. 9, 2024

WASHINGTON, Aug. 9, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Terry/Broden campaign is ecstatic to announce that we have successfully secured our spot on the ballot in Alaska! This milestone is yet another victory in our unstoppable march across the nation. We owe a massive thank you to our relentless volunteers who refused to back down, proving once again that nothing can stand in the way of our movement.

Vice Presidential Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden, boldly declared,

    "Ballot access is no easy feat—especially when the two-party system is hell-bent on maintaining its stranglehold over the American people. But we're not just in this fight—we're here to win it, and today is proof that we're doing just that!"

With Alaska now in our column, the campaign is charging full speed ahead, riding a wave of unstoppable momentum. Virginia is next on our list, and we are set to dominate there as well. By next Thursday, we'll have Tennessee in our grasp, completing our mission with unwavering determination.

Presidential Candidate, Randall Terry, enthusiastically added,

    "I've been in constant communication with pastors and leaders in Virginia, and the response has been nothing short of explosive. When they hear our vision, they are all in! This weekend, Virginia will witness our power, and then it's back to Tennessee to seal the deal."

For further comments or to schedule an interview contact:
Joe Slovenec
Campaign Manager
Terry / Broden Campaign

SOURCE Randall Terry for President