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Rare Relics of the Saints to Make a Special Stop in New York State

Contact: Denise Serafini, 860-496-0648, denise@relictour.org

TROY, N.Y., Oct. 1, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- A collection of rare relics for the saints will be presented at St. Joseph's Church in Troy, New York on October 21, 2018 at 2:00 PM. These relics are part of a limited nationwide tour that will be making only one stop in New York State.

The program includes a Mass commemorating the Roman Martyrs enhanced with the presence of their relics. Having the opportunity to be in the presence of these holy relics while in participation of the Holy Mass is a once in a life time opportunity that you won't want to miss. Participants are encouraged to bring rosaries, medals, and other sacramental items to touch to the relics during veneration.

The Mass will be followed by veneration of the saints mentioned in the Roman Canon as noted in Eucharistic Prayer I, the main prayer of the Mass.

The Relics of the Saints collection includes:

  • A piece of the True Cross which was discovered by St. Helena
  • First Class relics of the Saints of the Roman Canon including the 12 Apostles, the early Popes, Sts. Chrysogonus, Lawrence, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabus, Ignatius, Cosmas & Damian, Agatha & Lucy, Perpetua & Felicity, Alexander & Anastasia, Agnes, Cecilia, and many more.

Contact denise@relictour.org for more information.