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On 2nd Anniversary of ‘Roe v Wade’ Being Overturned, Stanton Public Policy Center is Committed to Ending Abortion Abuse, Serving Women with Unexpected Pregnancies and Making Abortion Unthinkable

On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe in the Dobbs decision

Stanton Public Policy Center  
June 24, 2024

WASHINGTON, June 24, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- Stanton Public Policy Center, based in Washington DC, is a women's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which is a fully accredited third party women's medical clinic, that specializes in serving women with unexpected pregnancies by providing professional medical care, practical and emotional support, women's wellness care and a special outreach to refugees and the marginalized.

Stanton Healthcare has life-affirming medical clinics in the United States and internationally.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Public Policy Center, states:

    “In a post- Roe America, our commitment is to make sure every woman facing an unexpected pregnancy has access to life-affirming quality medical care, compassionate resources, tangible support, and hope. This is especially true for minority and underserved communities.

    “Stanton is passionately working to end 'abortion abuse.' Abortion on demand has created an undue burden on millions of women who are often pressured into unwanted and forced abortions. This occurs most often by someone they trust, which is typical of other forms of abuse. At Stanton, we stand with women, and we believe their stories. Abortion trauma is real. Abortion abuse needs to stop.

    "Our message is clear: forced, coerced, or pressured abortions are abusive and criminal. We will ensure that the full weight of the law is upheld to protect women, prevent forced abortions, and end abortion abuse and trafficking.

    “Through our public policy center, the strong voices and stories from the clients, medical professionals and advocates of Stanton helped pass the ‘Defense of Life Act’ which is the basis for the ‘Idaho v. United States’ Supreme Court case. Strong and empowered women went passionately to the Idaho State Capitol to work for an end to abortion violence, and ensure women were protected from abortion abuse.

    “Stanton will not rest until abortion becomes unthinkable and abortion abuse comes to an end in our nation.”

For more information or interviews contact Rev. Patrick Mahoney at:  540.538.4741

SOURCE Stanton Public Policy Center

CONTACT: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741