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Real Health Care: Wholeness in Body and Spirit
Dr. Scott Morris calls on the Church for true health care reform.
Contact: Audra Jennings, 800-927-0517 ext. 104, www.healthcareyoucanlivewith.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 3, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Health Care You Can Live With is an astute and biblical perspective of total wellness that empowers the individual to ultimately see from Jesus' example what it means to be human and to be intimately connected to God in that humanity. "We cannot separate healing from the gospel message. If we're going to do what Jesus did, and as his first century followers did, we must find some way to be involved in a ministry of healing."
An ordained minister with twenty years as a family practice physician serving a diverse population in Memphis, the nation's poorest major city, Morris is uniquely experienced in the challenges of our health care system today. Health Care You Can Live With offers a surprising behind-the-scenes visit into the troubles we are currently facing around the issues of health care and health care reform. With a thoughtful yet candid approach, Morris invites the reader to question what we really know about health care. Who does our health care system serve and what does it do or not do for others? And, most importantly, what should be the response of the Church--and the individual Christian?
Morris offers an insightful and biblical approach to health care, its history, and the Church's role, as well as a multi-dimensional examination of health care today and what health care reform will and will not do. How many Christians today know that respected leaders of the Faith like John Wesley and Cotton Mather were instrumental in the early development of health care as they lived Jesus' example of treating the whole person, body and spirit, in their own ministries? With chapters such as "Cherish Being Human," "The Body Brings Us Together," "Nutrition: Food Is a Gift from God," and "Faith Life: Don't Wait for a Crisis," Morris calls the Church and individual Christians into true life change according to the life lived by Jesus. What makes Morris a unique Christian voice is not only how he intelligently puts politics aside and tackles the facts of this issue, but also how he strips away the layers to get to the book's ultimate purpose--true and total wellness. Morris' desire is that the reader be transformed by what he or she reads and to experience lasting change.