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Montana Businessman Takes on 'Obamacare'

Contact: Maryam Kubasek, Common Sense Issues, Inc, 513-226-9538, maryamkubasek@gmail.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- It's David vs. Goliath as fifth generation Montanan and businessman Steve Daines has taken on U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester. One of the architects of "Obamacare," Baucus has ignored the opinions of the taxpayers in his state of Montana, the majority of whom do NOT want the healthcare plan currently proposed.

The healthcare debate is far from over and ordinary citizens like Daines are stepping up to challenge promoters of the healthcare plan before it's too late.

Daines has been featured in radio ads calling out Baucus and Tester for turning a deaf ear to their constituents who do not want to be forced to buy insurance or fund abortion on demand.

Daines will be in Washington, D.C., Feb. 21-23 and is available for interviews. Call Maryam Kubasek with Common Sense Issues, Inc., at 513.226.9538 to set up an interview. Listen to the radio ads that have run in Montana at www.commonsensemontana.com.