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The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Takes a Stand for Faith-based Scouting by Endorsing AHG as the 'Preferred Scouting Option for Girls'
Hamilton Strategies
Aug. 21, 2024

CINCINNATI, Ohio, Aug. 21, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a nation where traditional scouting organizations have abandoned their roots to cater to the progressive agenda permeating modern society, today's girls need a faith-based, girl-centered scouting organization that focuses on assisting girls to know who they are and whose they are in Christ. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the latest of many other Catholic arch/dioceses to recognize this need for today's young girls.

The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati stated, "Unfortunately, in recent years, some scouting organizations have embraced and promoted an impoverished worldview regarding human life and sexuality. Through activities, badges and awards, these organizations have contributed to normalizing a gender ideology devoid of Christian virtue and contrary to the Catholic understanding of the human person made in the image and likeness of God."

Instead of Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America) or Girl Scouts of the United States of America, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is now recommending that girls join American Heritage Girls (AHG, www.americanheritagegirls.org), the premier faith-based, scout-type leadership development program for girls for nearly three decades, helping girls from ages five to 18 develop meaningful relationships with Christ while learning life skills, experiencing adventure and having fun. With AHG's emphasis on Christian values and family participation, it has become a thriving ministry for its Catholic members. AHG's unique programming beautifully compliments the tenets and teachings of the Catholic Church, and more families of the faith are flocking to American Heritage Girls. AHG's growing number of Catholic Troops and members are supported by the AHG National Catholic Committee.

"AHG is openly Christ-centered and dedicated to helping girls respond to God's call to grow in purity, service, stewardship and integrity. Moreover, AHG expressly believes that every person is made in the image of God," said Archbishop Schnurr.

"Faith is fundamental at AHG," said AHG Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay. "AHG was founded on Christian values and family fun, and we are honored to come alongside Catholic arch/dioceses across the country to bring our programming to girls while promoting and providing for the growth and spiritual development in fidelity to the magisterium of the Catholic Church through our National Catholic Committee.

"We aim to promote and provide for the growth and spiritual development of our Catholic members. We are honored to partner with Catholic dioceses across the country to bring our programming to girls looking for like-minded friends."

SOURCE Hamilton Strategies

CONTACT: Jeff Tolson, 610-584-1096, media@hamiltonstrategies.com