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Illinois Family Institute Joins Multi-Group Press Conference to Address McDonalds' Selective 'Diversity' Policy

Contact: David E. Smith, Illinois Family Institute, 630-790-8370


GLEN ELLYN, Ill., July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- The McDonald's Corporation has recently joined and contributed thousands of dollars to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, a radical homosexual activist organization working toward homosexual "marriage." In so doing, McDonald's has taken a public position on a very divisive issue--a position with which the majority of Americans disagree.


The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) believes that McDonald's vigorous support of the NGLCC undermines essential societal institutions-- particularly, the natural family-- while violating the deeply held convictions of many. Through both funding and corporate policies, McDonald's affirms and supports radical and culturally divisive anti-family principles.


In a written response, McDonald's Customer Response Center spokesperson wrote, "We believe that by embracing our differences we are better enabled to value and respect other people as well as understand differing points of view."


"Ironically, McDonald's 'diversity' policy leaves people of faith and traditional values out in the cold," said IFI Executive Director David E. Smith.  "I have to wonder if McDonald's view of 'diversity' will also extend its embrace to other groups, such as bisexuals and polygamists. If sexual behavior is the only qualification -- why not include these groups too? One would hope that McDonald's would serve the needs of their customers irrespective of their behaviors--sexual or otherwise."


IFI believes that those who self-identify as homosexual have a right to live and work in their communities free from harassment. IFI believes that those who self-identify as homosexuals are equal in dignity and worth to heterosexuals. But IFI believes that homosexual conduct is immoral, unsafe, and destructive to individual lives and society. IFI expects that McDonald's, as a business enterprise, would refrain from taking positions on arguable, divisive cultural issues. The solution should be obvious: conduct business and leave the transformation of public sentiments on controversial moral issues to others.


Just as every human has a right to live and work free from harassment, every human has a right to hold and articulate beliefs about which behaviors, sexual and otherwise, constitute moral behaviors. McDonald's can ensure a workplace free from harassment without supporting organizations whose central mission is not to end harassment but to impose radical socio-political views on America through demagoguery, judicial tyranny, rhetorical manipulation, and censorship.


As long as McDonald's affirms the destructive deceit that homosexuality is morally equivalent to heterosexuality, IFI will support the boycott of McDonald's.


Press Conference Details ---


When: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 10:00 AM (Central)


Where: In front McDonald's restaurant across from McDonald's world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois (22nd St. and Spring Rd.)