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'Simon's Crossing: A Novel' Portrays Simon of Cyrene's Cross-Bearing Transformation
Contact: Sandy Dunwoody, 1-800-AUTHORS ext 5507
SANTA BARBARA, Calif., March 1 /Christian Newswire/ --  Simon of Cyrene's task of carrying the heavy burden of Jesus' cross as Jesus is taken to crucifixion is perhaps among the most important and symbolic acts of the Bible--yet Simon remains a little-known biblical figure. Simon's Crossing: A Novel (published by iUniverse), written by Charles William Asher and Dennis Patrick Slattery, attempts to share Simon of Cyrene's intriguing life and how being in the wrong place at the wrong time may have caused his own salvation.
Enter the historic world of Simon of Cyrene, where families are torn apart and citizens face marauding soldiers. Simon, visiting Jerusalem for Passover, is pulled from the crowd in the streets and demanded to carry the cross of Jesus Christ to Mt. Golgotha. Full of hatred over the death of his wife at the hands of Roman soldiers, Simon reluctantly yields to the task. Along the way, Simon encounters Pontius Pilate, Veronica, Mary and the sons of Simon as they follow the mysterious and compassionate Nazarene, serenely representing God.
The ordinary man steps boldly out of the pages of the Bible, sensing that his own life depends on the Nazarene staggering just ahead of him. Simon's vulnerability mirrors our own, compelling us to carry our own crosses and transcend in presence of grace.
About the Authors:
Charles William Asher, D. Min., is an Episcopal priest, author and practicing Jungian analyst. He is a research psychoanalyst under the Medical Board of California as well as a licensed marriage family therapist in California. As a former United Methodist minister Asher served congregations in Texas, Michigan and Wisconsin. He lectures, preaches and offers workshops on Jungian psychology, dream work, and the relationship between Christian theology and Jungian psychology.
Dennis Patrick Slattery, PhD., teaches in the Mythological Studies Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in California. He has taught for 40 years at elementary, secondary, undergraduate and graduate levels; Slattery is also author, co-author and co-editor of 16 books and several essays related to literature and psychology. He is currently co-authoring a fourth volume of poetry and revising a manuscript, and offers workshops on Joseph Campbell and writing personal mythology to Jungian groups and organizations in the U.S. and Europe.
Simon's Crossing: A Novel
Available from: www.iuniverse.com, www.barnesandnoble.com, and www.amazon.com
ISBN: 9781450202497 · 6 x 9 · Paperback · 172 pages · $14.95