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Victory! Appeals Court Rules 3-0 to Protect National Day of Prayer, but Senate Candidate Tim Kaine (D-VA) Still Hates Jesus Prayers

Contact: Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, 719-360-5132, chaplaingate@yahoo.com; Bio: prayinjesusname.org/invite-speaker 

WASHINGTON, April 14, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Pray In Jesus Name Project is rejoicing that a 3-judge panel in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against atheist complainers at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and protected the 1952 law passed by Congress and signed by every President since Truman, recognizing the National Day of Prayer.

Read the court's ruling, overturning a bad decision by Judge Barbara Crabb, here.

Citizens can also sign a free petition here, asking President Obama to observe the 5 May 2011 National Day of Prayer with a public White House ceremony, which Obama refused for two years despite his public acclaim for Muslim Ramadan.

Sadly, the anti-Jesus Virginia Democrat Tim Kaine (D-VA) has announced he's running for U.S. Senate after he banned State Police Trooper Chaplains from praying "in Jesus name" at public ceremonies, telling NBC12 Richmond TV News that "It doesn't diminish my ability to worship my God, to pray to the Father or to Lord without mentioning Jesus Christ," and therefore Kaine ordered Trooper Chaplains to stop praying in Jesus' name.

Kaine forced six trooper chaplains to deny Christ or quit their chaplain jobs, so they took a stand and turned in their badges. Kaine then wrote a 3-page letter (refusing to allow Jesus prayers) to former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, who led 1,000 protesters outside Kaine's Governor Mansion, and faxed voter guides to 2,300 pastors, who helped elect a new Governor Bob McDonnell (R-VA) who promptly reinstated the trooper chaplains right to pray in Jesus name

Chaplain Klingenschmitt said today: "Thank God the 7th Circuit Court ruled the National Day of Prayer is fully Constitutional. We are now collecting thousands of online petitions to President Obama to end his ban on pro-faith White House ceremonies, and join thousands of Americans on 5 May 2011 to celebrate the National Day of Prayer."

"I only pray that Senate candidate Tim Kaine will also repent of his hatred of Jesus Christ and the Constitution, and apologize to the six police chaplains he forced to resign when he censored their prayers. If he refuses, we will again fax voter guides to all Virginia Pastors reminding them not to support Tim Kaine for Senate."