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Faith and Pro-Life Leaders Hold Demonstration and News Conference Calling for Congress to Defund Planned Parenthood

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 540-538-4741, 202-547-1735; Dr. Johnny Hunter, 757-572-6349

WASHINGTON, April 7, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Leaders  displayed "white sheets" to draw attention to the fact that Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, supported the Ku Klux Klan and their racist agenda and even spoke at a Klan rally.

White sheets are a longtime symbol of the KKK.
Clergy to say not one penny of public money should be given to an organization founded by a racist and Klan supporter.
The demonstration and news conference took place on Thursday, April 7, at 11:00 A.M. in front of Speaker Boehner's office in the Longworth House office Building.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states;

    "We are displaying these 'white sheets' to expose the reality that the Founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a racist who supported the agenda of the Ku Klux Klan and even participated in their events.

    "We are calling upon the members of Congress, who have given billions of public money to Planned Parenthood over the years, to de fund this organization whose roots are racist, bigoted and extremist.

    "Our tax dollars should be given to groups that have embraced human rights, equality and justice for all, not to organizations founded by racists who embraced the agenda and philosophy of the KKK.

    "Does America really want to fund the largest abortion provider in the world whose founder supported the Klan and racism?"

Dr. Johnny Hunter, National Director of LEARN one of the largest African-American pro-life organizations in America, comments;

    "If Congress is going to continue funding of Planned Parenthood, they may as well just give it to the KKK.  Planned Parenthood's main service to the black community is abortion.

    "Like drug pushers who make a profit pushing drugs in a community, Planned Parenthood is an abortion pusher who make a profit pushing abortion in a community.  By aborting black babies, Planned Parenthood has killed more blacks than either the drug pushers or the KKK.
    "Meanwhile, any elected official who votes for the continued funding of Planned Parenthood is a traitor to the principles of civil rights and humanity. I call upon Congress to de fund Planned Parenthood and not let a penny be spent to kill little boys and girls tucked safely in their mothers' wombs.  Every pre born child is a gift from God.
    "Planned Parenthood also needs to be shunned by all black neighborhoods,  schools and communities.  I call upon all people who love justice, to join us in a lifetime boycott of Planned Parenthood.  I also call upon people in America and around the world to watch the movie documentary Maafa 21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America.
    "Margaret Sanger when she started the Negro Project said in a letter, 'We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population...'
    "Finally, suggested websites to go to are: www.maafa21.com and www.blackgenocide.org"

For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at:    540.538.4741     202.547.1735
Dr. Johnny Hunter at:    757.572.6349