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Did Garry Trudeau Kill a Baby? The Smell of Guilt is in the Air...

"I would bet my last farthing that he paid to murder his own baby, or he helped a friend of family member murder a baby...no one tries this hard to justify murder unless he has blood on his hands." -- Randall Terry, Presidential Candidate

Contact: Juan Lepanto, 304-289-3700; www.terryforpresident.com

WEST VIRGINIA, March 15, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Did Garry Trudeau kill his unborn baby? Did he help someone kill a child?


In the mid 1980's, the late Dr. Bernard Nathanson -- a former abortionist -- released a film entitled, The Silent Scream. The Silent Scream recorded the murder of an unborn baby by a suction abortion. The viewer watches the child frantically try to escape the repeated thrusts of the suction curettage; at one point, the mouth of the child opened in what Dr. Nathanson called "a silent scream."

The killer prevails against the helpless child, first sucking off his legs, then his torso, and then finally crushing and suctioning out the lifeless head. Though in black and white, it was gruesome to watch. Beyond that, it forever changed the pro-life debate. No thinking person could deny that this was a living human being, and moreover, the lie that this was "a blob of cells" that did not even resemble a human was forever silenced.

At that time, cartoonist Garry Trudeau mocked Dr. Nathanson and The Silent Scream in his cartoon strip; he said that the baby's name was "Timmy," and that before dying, the babies lips could clearly be seen to say, "overturn Roe vs. Wade."

At that time, many newspapers refused to run the series, due to its offensive nature.

Today, over a quarter century later, Trudeau again mocks the life saving capacity of ultra sounds, specifically when they are required by law, with the hope that a woman who is required to see her baby -- healthy and alive and beautiful -- will not go forward with having her child murdered. (The ethics of such a law are not here in discussion.)

With that background, Randall Terry, Democratic Candidate for President, states:

    "Given Mr. Trudeau's hard-hearted response, it is time to ask: Did Garry Trudeau kill a baby?

    "I am asking Mr. Trudeau to specifically tell us: 1) Did he participated in the murder of his own unborn child...perhaps when he was a 'free love' participant in college, or some other time? 2) Did he drive his girlfriend, or someone else's girlfriend to an abortion mill to kill her baby? 3) Did he pay a doctor to kill someone's baby?

    "Since he is so brazen in his promotion and mockery of murder, let him tell us all plainly if he has participated in any way in the slaying of a child.

    "If this is a glorious 'right' -- like the right to free speech -- he should be proud to tell us that he has participated in the death of a child."