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Faith/Pro-Life Leaders to 'Eastwood' and Leave Empty Chair in Front of the the White House

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 540-538-4741

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The empty chair is a reminder that when it comes to protecting religious freedom, President Obama is an absentee President and an "empty chair."

The demonstration will take place on Wednesday, September 5, at 11:00 A.M. on the public sidewalk in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

There will also be a news conference.

The "empty chair" witness is part of Actsfive29, a national event supporting religious freedom and justice which will be held September 29-October 2 in Lafayette Park across from the White House.

Go to actsfive29.com or Facebook  Actsfive29 for more information.

Actsfive29 is being sponsored by a coalition of faith and pro-life organizations.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,

    "The phenomenon of 'Eastwooding' is sweeping across the nation.  The reason is clear.  When it comes to issues that matter to the American public, President Obama has sadly become just an 'empty chair.'

    "This is especially true concerning protecting religious freedom and the lives of innocent children.

    "On September 29-October 2, a national call is being given for people to gather in front of the White House to stand for religious freedom.

    "We want to send a clear message to President Obama that the faith community can never be silent or indifferent when it comes to matters of justice, religious freedom and human rights.  Peaceful civil disobedience will be a part of Actsfive29 as we boldly proclaim we would rather spend time in jail that be coerced into complying with an unjust HHS mandate which violates our conscience and religious beliefs.

    "Religious freedom will be a major issue in the Presidential election this Fall."

Kristina Garza, Campus Outreach Director of Survivors, adds,

    "Now is the time for the emerging generation in America to stand for religious freedom and human rights for all.

    "I agree with Cardinal Dolan when he says, 'No government has the right to intrude into the affairs of the Church, much less coerce, the Church faithful to engage or cooperate in any way with immoral practices.

    "We are leaving this empty chair in front of the White House to remind the President when it comes to protecting our freedoms and rights he must be fully engaged.

    "Regrettably, President Obama has chosen to trample on religious freedom rather than to safeguard it."

For more information or interviews call;
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney  at  540.538.4741