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Document - Sanguis Innocens, Sanguis Sanctus - Delivered to Cardinal Bertone at Vatican, and Now Made Public, 'Your Eminence...Who Has is Correct? Cardinal Ratzinger or Archbishop Wuerl? Their Contradictory Positions Cannot Both be Correct.'

Contact: Catherine Veritas, 001-904-687-9804, randallterrymedia@gmail.com

ROME, March 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Insurrecta Nex; www.HumblePlea.com 

Who: Randall Terry and 10 American pro-life advocates: The Vanguard of St. Catherine of Siena.
When: March 18, 2010
What: The document Sanguis Innocens, Sanguis Santus (Innocent Blood, Sacred Blood) is being made public and is available for reading at www.humbleplea.com.  It was delivered to Cardinal Bertone this morning.
The Vanguard of St. Catherine of Siena is in Rome meeting with Vatican officials about the crisis with bishops in America who refuse to obey Canon 915, and continue giving Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who promote child-killing.
The document Sanguis Innocens, Sanguis Santus (Innocent Blood, Sacred Blood) has been delivered to Cardinal Bertone. It focuses on the public opposition of Archbishop Wuerl to Cardinal Ratzinger's instructions to American bishops.
It also shows that Archbishop Wuerl - as the DC Archbishop - is uniquely responsible for the scandal of Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Biden (and more) receiving Holy Communion while at the same time promoting child killing. The full document can be read at www.HumblePlea.com.
The document asks: "Your Eminence, who has taught the truth?  Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, and bishops that follow his instruction, or Archbishop Wuerl, and the bishops who follow his example and words?  Who is correct?  Cardinal Ratzinger or Archbishop Wuerl?  Their contradictory positions cannot both be correct."
Prolife advocates have met thus far with 6 representatives from various dicasteries. 
Mario Paveglio, Team Leader, States: "Those who we met with were receptive, gracious, and genuinely interested in our message. Several expressed dismay about the lack of unity in American bishops; they are very familiar with the scandal that is plaguing the Church in America."
Randall Terry states: "We have come to request an answer of Cardinal Bertone: what is the teaching of the Church, the words of Cardinal Ratzinger or the words of Archbishop Wuerl?"
"St. Catherine of Siena spoke strong words to the bishops of her day; her words thunder through the centuries, calling our bishops back to faithfulness to the Church, and loyalty to the Pope. We are echoing her spirit and voice."
Read her words in the document Sanguis Innocens, Sanguis Santus, 
Randall Terry asks: "If our bishops will not deny Holy Communion to Catholics for the crime and public scandal of the murder of babies, for what would they deny it?"