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Pilot Bulletins and Liturgical Publications Inc. Collaborate to Increase Support for Catholic Parishes
Contact: Anne Bezanson, 262-207-2587
BRAINTREE, Mass., April 2, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Pilot Bulletins and Liturgical Publications Inc. (LPi) have announced a collaborative program in which they will work together to increase sponsorship of the bulletins of a select group of parishes that Pilot Bulletins serves.
LPi and Pilot Bulletins are leading providers of weekly bulletins to parishes. Both firms print bulletins at no cost to the parish, with the production expenses being covered through sponsorship by local businesses.
Pilot Bulletins was formed in 2010 when a related entity of the Archdiocese of Boston purchased Parish Communications Solutions. The addition of a parish bulletin and printing provider was part of Cardinal Seán O'Malley's vision of a comprehensive Media Secretariat, since bulletins remain the most common way parishioners get information about the Church.
LPi has 40 years of history working with local parishes and businesses throughout the United States. "Our expertise," said Tim Potrikus, Vice President at LPi, "is to help local businesses use bulletin advertising as a way to show their community support by helping churches provide this important form of communication."
"As Pilot Bulletins has grown," commented Scot Landry, Archdiocesan Secretary for Catholic Media, "we realized that we have not been able to scale our sponsorship team at the same pace. LPi has significant experience in obtaining high levels of bulletin sponsorship, so we thought it was a great fit to partner with them on certain accounts to increase the support for our parishes."
"LPi has experience in these communities," remarked Potrikus, "and we are confident we can help businesses receive superior advertising benefits while increasing support and sponsorship for the parishes."
"This is certainly a first-of-its kind program," remarked Potrikus. "Since Cardinal Seán's arrival, the Archdiocese of Boston has been an innovator in its efforts to evangelize and communicate through print, electronic and broadcast media. We are hopeful that this collaborative effort will strengthen the ties of service LPi has with the Archdiocese of Boston and its parishes."
For the parishes in the program, Pilot Bulletins will continue to print the bulletin while LPi will manage the sponsorship process, including invoicing and ad design. The sponsoring businesses can receive a listing on LPi's SeekAndFind.com which builds value by bringing the ad online. The parishes can access LPi's Art & Media Portal, an exclusive collection of bulletin covers, clip art, and reflections.