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Terry/Broden Campaign Intensifies Efforts for Ballot Access Nationwide

Randall Terry for President
Aug. 7, 2024

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 7, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Terry/Broden campaign is making significant strides in securing ballot access in key states across the nation, underscoring its commitment to a cause-driven presidential race. With boots on the ground and an unwavering mission, the campaign is laser-focused on ensuring its powerful message reaches every corner of the country. Currently, our dedicated volunteers are working diligently in Virginia, a state known for its challenging ballot access requirements. Following this, our efforts will swiftly pivot to Tennessee, where we are just a few signatures away from completing the process.

Presidential Candidate Randall Terry passionately stated,

    "The Church is asleep; the clergy are stone cold; Christians are looking the other way while babies are dying. Our campaign is designed to wake up the church, thaw hearts of ice, and cause American voters to see the truth about child killing. Maybe then we will amend this slaughter."

This campaign is not just about gaining ballot access but about igniting a movement. The Terry/Broden campaign aims to awaken the conscience of America, challenge the status quo, and bring to light the urgent issues that mainstream politics often ignore. Our strategy involves leveraging our presence in key states to launch powerful TV ads in the critical final 60 days of
the campaign, ensuring our message resonates when it matters most.

Terry further emphasized,

    "I hope open-minded hosts and journalists will interview us to understand our strategy. We are ready to sound the alarm!"

Our mission remains clear and unwavering: To Defend Children, Defeat the Democrat Nominee, and Destroy the Democrat Party. This is not just a campaign; it's a crusade to protect the innocent and hold our leaders accountable.

We invite the media and supporters to witness the impact of our hard-hitting commercials by visiting www.Terry2024.com. Discover the truth behind our message and why it is capturing the attention of so many.

For interviews with Mr. Terry or Pastor Stephen Broden, please email Joe@Terry2024.com. Join us in this critical fight for justice and truth.

SOURCE Randall Terry for President