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Broad Support for Amendment 8

Opposition -- an "Interesting" Mix

Contact: Lesley S. Bateman, 813-849-0076, Lesley@design4.org

ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 23, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Citizens for Religious Freedom and Non-Discrimination announced today new endorsements representing broad support for Amendment 8, as well as an "interesting" mix of opponents.

Supporters include the Florida Chamber of Commerce, James Madison Institute, Former Fl. Governor Jeb Bush, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, Speaker Designate Will Weatherford, Fl. Senators Thad Altman and Anitere Flores, Fl. Representatives Steve Precourt and Scott Plakon, Fl. CFO Jeff Atwater, Mike Hill, former member Florida Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Florida Baptist Convention, Florida Family Action, Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Association of Latino Leaders, Catholics Called 2 Witness, United Christians of Florida, Faith and Freedom Coalition, Christian Family Coalition, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and Agudath Israel of Florida.

"These supporters understand Amendment 8 stops religious discrimination. Nothing more. Nothing less. Amendment 8 simply means that our Florida government can continue to partner with faith-based groups -- as it has for decades -- to provide critical community services like homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and elder care...services our most vulnerable Florida neighbors rely upon" said Yes on 8 Campaign Manager Jim Frankowiak.

Amendment 8 opponents typify those organizations who make it their mission to drive religion out of the public square, according to Frankowiak.

"You have to wonder if some of these opponents realize who their partners are. The mix is interesting," he said.

Groups opposing Amendment 8 include the Americans United for Separation of Church and State, The Secular Coalition for America, Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, Florida Atheists and Secular Humanists, the Southeastern Area Anti-Defamation League. Other opponents include The Public Education Defense Fund, Florida Education Association and other school boards in Florida who erroneously believe the amendment will open the door for school vouchers.

Yes on 8
Citizens for Religious Freedom and Non-Discrimination ("Yes on 8") is focused on ending discrimination against religious organizations and preserving much-need social services through the passage of Amendment 8. Visit
www.sayyeson8.com and on Facebook and Twitter @sayyeson8.