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The Democrat Party MUST Be Destroyed

Terry for President
Sept. 11, 2024

WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Terry / Broden Campaign has just released a 28-minute infomercial entitled, The Democratic Party Must Be Destroyed. To watch the infomercial, click on the link: https://vimeo.com/1008477805

Both the Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, Randall Terry, and Vice-Presidential Candidate Pastor Stephen Broden have done an excellent job in presenting their view on the Democrat Party.

Randall Terry stated,

    "This is not just another political ad. It's a call to arms. The Democrat Party is leading America to destruction—pushing radical abortion policies that murder innocent babies, fueling racial division, and poisoning our children with demonic ideologies. We MUST tear down their strongholds."

Vice-Presidential Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden further elaborates on Mr. Terry's statement by saying,

    "The key to long term victory lies in flipping the allegiance of the two largest voting blocks that keep the Democrats in power: Catholics and the Black community. Even a slight shift of these groups away from the Democrat Party would bring about its complete collapse."

For more information on the Terry / Broden Campaign go www.Terry2024.com or to schedule an interview please contact.

Joe Slovenec, campaign manager, 909-273-7004, joe@terry2024.com
SOURCE Terry for President