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Richard Viguerie Writes to Conservatives to Ask Them to Join in a 'Voter Bomb' for Jamie Radtke for U.S. Senator

Contact: Bob Sturm, 703-396-6974; after 6 PM Eastern & on weekends, 703-307-8176

MANASSAS, Va., June 8, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of ConservativeHQ.com, has sent the following e-mail message to conservative activists in Virginia and throughout the nation to ask them to join him in a "voter bomb" for Jamie Radtke for U.S. Senator from Virginia in the June 12 Republican Primary:

    Dear fellow conservative,

    I'm writing to ask that you join me in this "voter bomb" for Mrs. Jamie Radtke, the principled small-government, constitutional conservative candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia's Republican primary next Tuesday.

    What's a "voter bomb?" You've probably heard of "money bombs" on behalf of candidates, where people are asked online to contribute money in a finite amount of time for some specific purpose. Well, we Virginians have a history of being the first at many things, and this is the first "voter bomb." We've got a finite amount of time to spread the word to vote for Jamie Radtke in the Republican primary next Tuesday.

    Jamie is my choice. Her principles are as solid as a rock, and she's a boat rocker. She's running to change how Washington does business.

    I'm urging my fellow Virginia conservatives to not only vote for Jamie next Tuesday, but join this "voter bomb" by forwarding this email to your family and friends who live in Virginia.

    Even if you don't live in Virginia, please forward this to friends and family who are Virginia residents.

    Conservatives in Virginia have a special obligation to show the Washington establishment that business as usual is over. After all, it was in 2009 -- the first election after electing you-know-who in 2008 (who won in Virginia) -- when conservatives swept Virginia's statewide elections with Bob McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli and Bill Bolling. It was Virginia that sent the first shockwaves to the cocky liberal political "intelligentsia" in 2009 before conservatives' historic wins in the 2010 national elections.

    In 2012, we need to show Washington and the political establishment that we are still fed up, and that we shall continue our assault to restore America to its promise.

    Tuesday's Republican primary in Virginia is an excellent example of what Ronald Reagan said in 1976, when he was running against the big-government Republican establishment of Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller and Richard Nixon: "We need new leaders unfettered by old ties and old relationships."

    Jamie Radtke, the founder of the Virginia Tea Party Federation, is not a career politician. She is unfettered by old ties and old relationships to the forces of big government.

    The 2012 election is not only about defeating Barack Obama, but continuing the momentum of 2010. In many of the 2012 Republican primaries so far, principled small-government conservatives have defeated high-spending big-government Republicans in the primaries.

    This year, in Indiana it was Richard Mourdock defeating Dick Lugar. In Nebraska, small-government conservative Deb Fischer scored a last-minute upset over two favored rivals.

    We've seen what can be done. In 2010 Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and Pat Toomey overcame the political establishment and even strong opposition from big-government Republican senators to join the Jim DeMint “team” in the U.S. Senate.

    There is no question: Jamie Radtke will be part of that team of principled conservatives in the Senate led by Senator DeMint.

    Now, one of Jamie Radtke's opponents in the Republican primary is George Allen, who lost his Senate seat in 2006 to Democrat Jim Webb, the critical 60th vote in the Senate for Obamacare. Jim Webb has voted the Obama line all the way through his five-plus years in the Senate.

    George Allen was part of the high-spending Republican majority under George Bush. He voted for No Child Left Behind and the prescription drug bill. He was an earmarker.

    I've yet to hear him admit that he did wrong, or say that he's sorry for his high-spending record, and he certainly has not said he won't do it again.

    And, I challenge you to find one example of George Allen standing up to his high-spending Republican colleagues when he was in the Senate--for example the 52,000 earmarks that were passed on his watch.

    There is an undeniable principle of human behavior: if you reward bad behavior, you'll get more bad behavior.

    Sending George Allen back to the U.S. Senate not only would be rewarding his bad behavior. It's sending a message to high-spending big-government Republicans: "You know all this work and effort we conservatives have done to elect principled small-government senators and representatives these past few years? Hey, we didn't really mean it."

    When I speak with many of my conservative Virginia friends, I'm a bit concerned. They are fed up and all in favor of replacing big-government Republicans -- in other states. Yet some of them are content with the affable George Allen. Unfortunately, they and other well-meaning conservatives haven't realized that they're sending the wrong message to politicians.

    But George Allen's loss in 2006 was the first sign that voters were fed up with high-spending Republicans. That was followed in 2008 by the election of Barack Obama, a House led by Nancy Pelosi, and a Senate headed by Harry Reid.

    Sending George Allen back to the Senate will lose ground we've regained since 2009. It will be seen as an indication that grassroots conservatives aren't serious, or at least aren't consistent. The Washington establishment will point to an Allen victory as evidence that principled small-government conservatives are a weak voting bloc. We cannot let that happen. We must send them a message that the days of business as usual are over.

    That's why I'm asking you to join this "voter bomb" for Jamie Radtke. I urge you to vote for her in Tuesday's Republican primary, and I urge you to forward my email to family and friends in Virginia.

    Oh, and feel free to substitute your name for mine on this email.

    This "voter bomb" doesn't require a financial contribution, although Jamie and her campaign are worthy of your financial support.

    And, to my conservative friends who know George Allen and are comfortable with him, I say this: if you like George Allen, you'll love Jamie Radtke. Hands down, Jamie will do what George Allen won't do, which is to join the DeMint team, be a boat-rocker, and roll back the size of government.

    We must put saving our country ahead of personal allegiances to politicians.

    Jamie Radtke won't just limit the advance of socialism; she'll help scale back ground we've lost to the forces of big government, cronyism, corruption and socialism. She is principled, tough, serious, and smart as a whip. She will join the side of Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and Pat Toomey in fighting against not only socialism, but big-government Republicans.

    Please, while there's still time, let's join together to send the ruling class elites -- including big-government Republicans -- a message they can't ignore.

    Yours in freedom,
    Richard A. Viguerie
    9625 Surveyor Court, Suite 400
    Manassas, Virginia 20110

    P.S. Please forward this "voter bomb" right now. The primary election is just days away. It's an interesting fact that most successful Tea Party candidates surge in the closing days of a campaign. So let's get a surge going for our Tea Party candidate, Jamie Radtke.

    P.P.S. Even though this is a "voter bomb," I also encourage you to go to Jamie's website at RadtkeforSenate.com where you can make a financial contribution for the primary election, and later for the general election.

    This is my own message, and is not paid for by any political candidate or party committee.

NOTE TO EDITORS: Richard A. Viguerie pioneered political direct mail and has been called "one of the creators of the modern conservative movement" (The Nation) and one of the "conservatives of the century" (Washington Times). He is the author of Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause.