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First Missions Reality TV App for iPhone

Contact: Peter, 918-266-5764, peter@globalventures.tv

TULSA, Okla., Dec. 1, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Global Ventures TV announces the release of the very first mission's TV App available for iPhone. The App comes on the heels of the successful launch of Global Ventures reality television series -- Real People. Real Places. Real Life.

Now in its sixth episode, the unscripted thirty-minute program follows the adventure, miracles and dangers encountered on the mission field by John Smithwick and his team. Filmed on location in areas such as Haiti, Peru, Cambodia, Nepal, etc. it is a step into another world as Smithwick and his team encounter a voodoo witch doctor, blind eyes that are opened, police escorts through high risk areas and missions with the power of Jesus Christ.

The App (now available at: www.globalventures.tv/gv-app) allows the viewer early access to new episodes prior to their international release on GOD TV, Daystar and JCTV.

Also available via the App is access to recent news from the mission field, profiles and fun facts of the Global Ventures team, highlights of previous trips and how you can be a part of an upcoming adventure.

Latest episodes of the Global Ventures program can be viewed at: globalventures.tv/watch.

For an interview or additional information contact: Peter at 918.266.5764, or email: peter@globalventures.tv.

About Global Ventures TV & John Smithwick:
Founded by international missionary John Smithwick, Global Ventures has been taking people to the distant nations of the world for nearly a decade. Team members become the conduits of God's message and power, boldly proclaiming Christ and witnessing miracles unfold before them.

After leaving a nation, thousands have called upon the Name of the Lord and hundreds have received healing as team members and locals alike are forever changed. Caught on film for the first time and making it's way through global premieres, Global Ventures keeps going strong in the unreached nations of the earth. Join the GV Team and experience the ultimate adventure for yourself: