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Friday, January 18, 2008

Institute Calls on Congress to Block Arms Sale to Saudi

A Proclamation by the President: National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2008

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to Convene 'Compassion in Action Roundtable' on Mentoring

Care Net Announces Record Level Participation in National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Remarks by the President After Tour

Judge Roy Moore and Foundation for Moral Law Applaud Paul W. Bryant High School for Showing Christian Movie Which Americans United for Separation of Church and State Wants Censored

Iowa Grandmother Jailed for Discouraging Abortion

Four House Church Leaders Released from Labor Camp in Hubei Province after Unprecedented Legal Victory; Three Female Leaders Still Held

KS Gov. Sebelius Says No to Abortion-Crony Biggs, Appoints New Attorney General

Remarks by the President on the Economy

Memorial Service for the Unborn to be Held at Georgia State Capitol

Fr. Pavone to Preach at US Senate Building

New Hillary Health Care Records

Wall of Misconception - Does the Separation of Church and State Mean the Separation of God and Government

San Francisco Presbyterians Bend Ordination Standards

Effective Solutions for 'Marriage's #1 Problem' to be Presented

PFOX Asks Judge to Enforce State Law and Stop the Teaching of Dangerous and Inaccurate Materials

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Former Bush Speech Writer Janice Shaw Crouse to Speak at Life Breakfast

National Pro-Life Clergy will be Welcomed in the US Senate

Calling all Abolitionists  

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Special Envoy for Sudan Rich Williamson

One Woman's Personal Achievement in Bible Translation

Women Set to Proclaim: I Regret My Abortion

National Memorial for the Pre-Born and their Mothers and Fathers Removed from Capitol Buildings

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Newman to Testify Before Grand Jury Investigating Late-Term Abortionist Tiller

Foundation for Moral Law Agrees to Defend Evangelist Michael Marcavage, Arrested for Publicly Preaching to Halloween Revelers in Salem, Mass.

Adult Children Find Help as Caregivers

Recording Artist and Songwriter Becky Carey Nominated for Three Momentum Awards

Opportunities for Service Showcased at Mission Connexion

'Your Ministry Matters:' Experts Affirm Value of Smaller Churches in Conferences Held Nationwide

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