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Monday, January 14, 2008

National Days of Prayer Designated in Advance of Roe Anniversary

Can Faith Broaden Reason? -- A Discussion on Faith, Knowledge, and Experience in Light of Msgr. Luigi Giussani's New Book: Is it Possible to Live This Way?

Chinese Believers Targeted

Who Should a Conservative Christian Vote For

Letter to Bill Marriott re. In-Room Porn Films

'World Congress of Families V' Requests Bids

Christians, Conservatives Can Get Major Changes in Nightly Television says iBoycott

National Pro-life Radio Invites Congregational Leaders and Lay Ministers to Join Dr. Stephen G. Peroutka, Esq.; Father Frank Pavone, Priests For Life; and Reverend Dr. Johnny Hunter, LEARN; for The National Memorial for the Pre-Born

Jesusland Author Endorses Fred Thompson

'Divorce' is the Word -- New Movie Takes Aim to Help the Hurting

Dr. Alveda King to Address 'Let Them Live Rally' at State Capitol Today

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Inaugural Prayer Event to Honor Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and First Lady Supriya Jindal

GFA Leader Says Fringe Radicals Responsible for Persecution of Christians in India

Giuliani Rattled, Cancels Remarks as Pro-lifers Disrupt Sunday Bus Tour Stop

Remarks by President Bush in Abu Dhabi

Saturday, January 12, 2008

In South Carolina, the Thompson Surge is Working

Critically Acclaimed Mini-Series 'Jesus of Nazareth' Premiers on Trinity Broadcasting Network, Sunday, Jan 13th, 7:00 PM PST

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Pro-Family Coalition, Mass. Leaders, Come to Michigan to Warn Voters: 'Beware of Mitt Romney's Anti-Family Record'

Remarks by President Bush to Military Personnel and Coalition Forces

Friday, January 11, 2008

Best Selling Author and Life Coach Paula White to be Presenter at The 16th Annual Trumpet Awards

March for Life Rose Dinner & Convention

Highly Controversial Internet TV Program 'LivePrayer with Bill Keller' Scores Big with Viewers its First Week on the Net

Countdown to the Let Them Live Rally in Georgia

UN Agency Ignores Mandate by Supporting Contraception and Abortion

NBC Producers Need Sensitivity Training

Remarks by the President During Visit to Yad Vashem

Become an Effective, Respected Leader

Noah and the Ark Sail Again

Indieheaven Announces 'The Christian Independent Alliance'

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