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Monday, January 07, 2008

Homeschoolers Rally to Make Pro-Life/Pro-Family Movie

Mike Huckabee, From Biblical/Constitutional Perspective, is Still Clueless, a Double-Minded Man

Media Pioneer Jeff Einstein Explores the Confluence of God, Media and Addiction in his New Book: Put God First

National Missions Coordinator Calls for Resignation of Tennessee Attorney General and State Commissioner Over Attempted Murder Cover Up

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Presidential Candidates Invited to Prayer Vigil Sunday Evening -- Congressman Ron Paul Agrees to Attend

Watch out YouTube -- Here Comes Christian Family Tube

Prayer Vigil and Life Chain Outside Clinton's Manchester Office Today

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Christian Writers' Conference in Southern California

Evangelical Leader Goes to New Hampshire

Prayer Vigil and Life Chain Outside Clinton's Manchester Office Sunday

18th Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer for the Addicted

Pro-lifer Confronts Giuliani During Speech -- 'You are a baby killer' -- More Coming for Giuliani in New Hampshire and Florida

Fred Thompson Announces Endorsement of Citizens for Life

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Groups Announce Major Pro-life Witness at the New Hampshire Presidential Primary in January

Friday, January 04, 2008

Interview of the President by Nahum Barnea and Shimon Shiffer of Yediot Ahronot

Mission Aviation Fellowship Evacuates Nationals, Missionaries and Relief Workers Amid Kenya Violence

Remarks by the President After Meeting with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets

Operation Rescue Formally Demands Special Prosecutor for Abortion Grand Jury

Christian TV Pioneer, 'Blackie' Gonzalez, Passes Away

Election Story the Media Missed: Pro-Family Truth Campaign Helped Sink Romney in Iowa

Jesusland Alive and Well in Iowa

Pro-life Women Jailed 10 Years After Begging Abortionist to Quit

Evangelicals Remain Powerfully Decisive Force

Giuliani Trounced Because of Abortion: New Hampshire, Florida Next

Groups Announce Major Pro-life Witness at the New Hampshire Presidential Primary in January

New Hampshire Faith and Values Leaders to Celebrate Governor Huckabee's Historic Landslide Victory

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Hampshire Faith and Values Leaders to Celebrate Governor Huckabee's Historic Landslide Victory

Richard Viguerie Says Huckabee Win is Bad News for GOP

Champion for a Prisoner

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