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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

If You Liked 'Bella,' You'll Love 'Noëlle' -- New Gener8Xion Entertainment Movie Offers Inspirational Message of Forgiveness and Second Chances

Joyce Meyer Ministries: Response to Senator Grassley Inquiry

Knights and Archdiocese Sponsor Conference on Abortion's Effects on Fathers

Massachusetts Spanking Ban Would Criminalize Good Parents

Christian Artists Speak Out in Reaction to Pullman's Golden Compass Boycott

Jars of Clay Christmas on GMC this Saturday

New Stats - The Real Christmas Story: By the Numbers

What Can We Learn From the Life of Mother Teresa?

CDC Reports Increase in Rates of STDs

Archbishop of Canterbury's Harsh Attack on U.S. Foreign Policy Assumes Too Much

Terri Schiavo's Brother Meets with Governor Mitt Romney Prior to Wednesday's Presidential Debate

1000 Rabbis Urge Annapolis and Religious Leaders: Number One Priority -- The Sanctity of Jerusalem

New Book: Lord Please Hang em High! Protect Our Children from the Sexual Pedophile! Purge the Evil from the Land! Give Them Three Days to Live! Or Have the Ruling Authorities Booted out of Office!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Godtube.Com Establishes New Milestone with 1st Ever Long-Term Partnership Uniting 50 Diverse Christian Organizations, Reaching 1.2 Billion Worldwide

Planned Parenthood Grand Jury Delayed In Effort to Circumvent Law

Gospel Communications Launches Online Volunteer Matching Site for Christians

It's Perfectly Inappropriate

Forty House Church Leaders Detained in Henan

New Film Amazing Grace Highlights Christian Role in Abolitionist Movement

Five Talents International Announces New Microcredit Program in Sudan

Illinois 'Choose Life' Plates Go Before U.S. Court of Appeals

The Calvary Hour Final Broadcast

Too-Close-To-Call Races In First-Ever Gospel Music Channel Video Awards Voting With Polls Set To Close This Wednesday, Dec. 5

Presbyterian Activists Play Fast and Loose with Fast-Food King

The Giving Myths: Expert in Fundraising Exposes Churches Myths about Giving in New Book

An 'Atrial Fibrillation Survivor' Offers HOPE Workshops for Those Who Suffer

Monday, November 26, 2007

Statement by Fred Thompson on West Virginians for Life Endorsement

Georgia Cops Impound Anti-Abortion Billboard Truck, Jail Driver

Radio Envoy Debuts on 560 KLZ

AIDS Ignorance -- New Survey: Surprisingly High Percentage Admit Knowing Little or Nothing About the Pandemic

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