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Monday, September 10, 2007

DEMAND. Reveals the Business of Sex Trafficking and Sex Tourism

Internationally-Known Mega Christian/Gospel Artist CARMAN Releases New CD on Tyscot Records Tuesday, September 11th

Prayer Vigil on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary -- Across from the White House

Iraqi Christians Face Slaughter if US Withdraws too Early Warn Church Leaders

Christian Film Academy is Coming to the Internet

'Christian Samurai' is an 'Essential' Read, 'Fascinating' According to Reviews

Sunday, September 09, 2007

'Air Bridge' Rushes Aid to Felix-Ravaged Nicaraguan Coast

Christian Defense Coalition to Lead Prayer Vigil in Lafayette Park Across from the White House on the Evening of September 10th

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Raw Audio Now Available of Explosive Late-Term Abortion Testimony

Bring Your Bibles to Public Schools Week: Sept 23-29

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, September 07, 2007

Remarks by President Bush and President Yudhoyono of Indonesia in Photo Opportunity

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in a Photo Opportunity

Former Tiller Patient Drops Bombshell Testimony of Illegal, Coerced Abortion on Legislative Committee

California Legislature Destroys the Definition of Marriage

PRI Applauds Kemp-Kasten Vote in Senate; Criticizes Abandonment of Mexico City Policy

Beating the Odds: The Unlikely Family Man

9/11 Special Programming

Allan Carlson to Speak at Heritage Foundation Book Event Today

Remarks by President Bush and President Putin of Russia in Photo Opportunity

Remarks by President Bush and President Roh of South Korea in Photo Opportunity

Few People are Healed as Quickly as They Desire - Chronic Illness Ministry Expert Sheds Light on Invisible Illness During Awareness Week

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Remarks by the President at Lunch with Southeast Asian Leaders

Objections Fail to Stop Abortion Records Interview at Legislative Hearing

Statement by the President Regarding the Death of Dr. D. James Kennedy

Remarks by the President to the APEC Business Summit

Heritage Foundation Book Event for 'The Natural Family: A Manifesto' - Sept. 7 at Noon

Richard Viguerie: Thompson's Newest Hollywood Role--Playing a Conservative

Truepath Christian Web Hosting Unveils Web Design Plans for Churches

Will Justice be Served or will Abortionists Remain Above the Law

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