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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why is a Senator Really in a Famous Madam's Address Book?

Christian Entertainment Review Teams with Home Media Magazine to Deliver 'Faith-Based' Media Products

Richard Viguerie: Conservatives, Beware of Fred Thompson

'God the Final Frontier' - New Book Explains How Discoveries in Science Reveal the Nature of God a Child Can Understand

Remarks by the President after visit to Graftech International, Ltd

NeuLion Launches Sky Angel Programming

International Ministry Launches Worldwide Campaign to Save North Korean Facing Death for Christian Faith

Abortion Protestor Vindicated

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Remix is Bringing Entertainment to the Christian Television Networks

Best Selling Author, Life Coach Paula White to Officially Kickoff the Grand Opening of 'The Life By Design Empowerment Center' In New York City

Radical Islam is Not the True Character of God

White House to Host Conference on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Over 100,000 Pack Nashville Stadium to Pray for Revival

Day Gardner, President of National Black Pro-Life Union Comments on Resolution Urging NAACP to Help Reduce Abortion

Care Net Celebrates the Life and Legacy of Founder, Dr. Harold O.J. Brown

ECFA Announces New 'Affiliate' Membership, Will Benefit Smaller Ministries and Churches

Dangerous Abortionist Resurfaces at Troubled NJ Abortion Mill

'Hate Crimes' Press Conference and Rally to be Held at U.S. Capitol

Sunday, July 08, 2007

NAACP Censors Macon Chapter Again

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Two House Church Leaders Sentenced to One Year Re-Education Through Labor in Shandong; Another Church Leader Detained in Shanxi Province

Sit-in Inside Senator Hillary Clinton's Campaign Office -- Video Available

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dr. Alveda King Calls on NAACP Leadership to Address the 'Inconvenient Truth' of Abortion's Impact on African Americans

Planned Parenthood Sues DA Kline for Abortion Records

Pro-Life Youth to Hold Sit-in at the Los Angeles Presidential Campaign Office of Senator Hillary Clinton

Can A Bad Boy Be Good - Bad Boy Entertainment Worldwide Executive Speaks on the Traps of Success

Like it or Not, Mormons are Thrust into the Spotlight

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pro-Life Youth to Hold Sit-in at the Los Angeles Presidential Campaign Office of Senator Hillary Clinton

Court Documents in Illegal Abortion Case now Available

A 'Significantly Significant' Life

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