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Thursday, June 21, 2007

CA Woman Dies as Result of Abortion

Christian Defense Coalition to Lead Historic Christian Prayer Delegation to Baghdad

Crouse Applauds Kaiser's New Study of Children and Media

Baghdad Prayer Patrol Asks Churches for Special Safety Prayer as Independence Day Nears

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pro-Life Teachers, Parents and Students: Let's Picket NEA Teacher Union / Philadelphia Sunday July 1 and State Capitals Monday July 2

Remarks by President Bush on Stem Cell Veto and Executive Order

Ethics Wins Over Politics

Executive Order: Expanding Approved Stem Cell Lines in Ethically Responsible Ways

Dr. John C. Wood Releases Biblical Novel of Amazing Accuracy

Inclusion Run Amok: A Muslim/Episcopal Priest

American Teens Find Christian Persecution in Vietnam

Advancing Stem Cell Research While Respecting Moral Boundaries

Soundtrack-of-Life Music from The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Eagles and George Strait Featured in New Small Group Resources

Late-Abortions Given so Women Could Go to Rock Concerts

Southern Evangelical Seminary Adds Ph.D. Program

Standard Newswire to Profit from PR Newswire's Closing of US Newswire

No Religious Use of Community Center say Housing Commissioners -- Judge Temporarily Blocks Decision

National Election Will Mean Nothing If We Will Not Repent

Double the Victory: Twins Give Up New Age Movement for Jesus

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sorry Exodus, Homosexuals Can COMPLETELY Change

Record Attendance at the International Shelby Conference 2007

Dems Block All Southern White Male Nominees

Publisher of Venus Magazine and Former Lesbian, Charlene E. Cothran, to be featured on Segment of 700 Club

The Episcopal Church's Second Strike

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Convenes

No Tax Dollars for Abortions Here or Abroad Says National Priest Leader

Hostility Met with Hospitality at National Right to Life Convention

The Christian Defense Coalition and the National Clergy Council Condemn the Use of the Term 'Punjab' in Senator Obama's Campaign Literature

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Enduring Legacy of Jerry Falwell by Richard A. Viguerie

New Movement Therapy Helps Those with Eating Disorders

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