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Monday, June 18, 2007

Homosexual Groups Slam U.S. Surgeon General Nominee in Bid to Keep Traditional Religious Believers Out of Public Office

Vote Life, Canada! Summons Catholic Bishops to Take First Step in Stopping Legalized Child Killing in Canada by Halting the Sacrilegious Abuse of Holy Communion by Catholics

Barry Lynn Not the Problem, Says National Priest Leader

Ark of the Covenant Found?

Full Incriminating Interview Discussing Tiller Abortion Records; Complete Video and Transcript Now Available

Suit Filed Against KS Legislator in Attack on Abortion Protester

Dan Owens Reveals Unexpected Reason Why Eternity Minded Ministries (EMM) Joins Exodus From San Diego and Relocates to Paso Robles California

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Why Does It Matter for America When Revelation Was Written?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another Grave Scandal within the 'Knights' of Columbus

Ruth Graham's Life Celebrated by Husband, Children and Community of Friends

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, June 15, 2007

UCR Commencement Speaker Fled Rwanda Genocide

Blessed Forgetfulness: New Novel Presents One Christian's Response to Alzheimer's

Launching of For-Profit Faith-Based Ex-Inmate Ministry Creates Both Controversy and Hope

The Defenders USA Dedicates National Headquarters and Launches Truck Stop Campaign to Combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in America

Promise Keepers '07: Energizing Men for Action

WDC Media Expresses Sympathy and Condolences to Graham Family

Remarks by the President at National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast

Jamestown Quadricentennial Organizers to Erect Jamestown Children's Memorial Later Today as Part of America's 400th Birthday Celebration

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Christian Citizens Against Corruption Group Forms in Monroe County, Tennessee

Video Ministry Launched By 3'10" Tall Evangelist

Public Invited to Attend Funeral Service for Ruth Bell Graham, Late Wife of Billy Graham

Homosexual 'Marriages' Forever in Massachusetts

Statement from Pat Robertson Regarding the Passing of Ruth Graham

Statement by the President Regarding the Death of Ruth Bell Graham

Ruth Bell Graham Dies

'Never Too Young' Answers Need for a Christian Music Resource for Young People

Massachusetts Legislature a Shame and an Embarrassment

Gina D's Kids Club Awarded Dove Seal

Media Misinformation About Abortion Records Statements Countered by WND.com

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