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Friday, May 11, 2007

Water Missions International Named Top Ten Charity

IRD Appalled as Pakistan Takes 'Two Steps Backward' in Religious Freedom

Biola University Selects Its Eighth President

World Congress of Families Opens in Warsaw's Palace of Culture and Science -- Focus on Children and Families

Remarks by the President in Commencement Address at St. Vincent College

CWA: ENDA Would Dismantle First Amendment Liberties

Statement by President Bush on the Virginia Tech Class of 2007

New Gospel of John for Horse Lovers Published by The Pocket Testament League

New Publishing Company Launches Unique Christian Picture Book and Offers Free Online Versions of the Book

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Planned Parenthood Must Defend Second Suit Alleging Violations of Ohio Law to the Detriment of Young Girls

World Congress of Families IV Opens Tomorrow Amidst Controversy and Concern

Families Remember Children Who Died; Plan for Summer Conference in Oklahoma City

National Priest Leader Stands with Former 'Racketeer'

Sudan Exclusive: 250 Slaves from Darfur and Kordofan Freed -- Interviews Available

South Africa: Biblical Worldview Summit - 29 June-6 July 2007

Rev. Peterson: INS Not FBI Should Probe LAPD MacArthur Park Clash

UCLA Student Magazine Reports Local Planned Parenthood Disguising Statutory Rape

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

European Parlimantary Forum Will Convene During World Congress of Families IV

Apostasy Bill Calls for Death to Converts from Islam

Evangelical Leaders Call for 'Compassion' in Immigration Debate

Raided House Church Christians Fight Against Police Abuses

Prison Ministry Brings College to Those Behind Bars

Former Rescue Leader Buys Ft. Wayne Abortion Clinic

Bible Ministry Discovers Christian Bookshelves Loaded with Unread Volumes

After 21 Years, Pro-Lifers Vindicated of Racketeering

National Priest Leader: Do Not Weaken Language on Abortion

LEARN Demands Full Investigation of Planned Parenthood Abortions

Sharpton's Attack on Romney Disgraceful

'Pampered Mothers' -- Family Praise Center of San Antonio Touches Lives at The SAMM Shelter this Saturday

5,000 Churches Create Their Own Social Network

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