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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Evangelical Leaders Announce Landmark New Strategy for 'Responsible & Balanced' Environmental Care

Message to the House of Representatives -- Released by the White House

Rich Diet, Poor Diet? You Can Lose Weight on a Budget, New Book Claims

Hypocrisy of Hating Homosexuality, While Ignoring Cohabitation and Adultery

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Indian Supreme Court Delays Dalit Christians Equal Rights Case

'Evangelical Pope' Announces Retirement

Massive Fax Initiative to Pardon Border Agents Exceeds 70,000 Faxes to House Leadership

Acton Institute's Samaritan Award Competition Opens for Entries

Gas Prices and the Imminent Terrorist Attacks on America

Announcing Arena's New Collaboration Platform: The Community

CWA Asks President for Veto Pledge on 'Hate Crimes' Legislation

Beyond Abstinence: New Steps as a Vision Expands

Franciscan Sisters Invite You to Meditate on 'Things Left Undone'

Women for Life International Challenges Amnesty International to Remain True to the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Illegal Immigrant Movement, Teaching Their Children Lawlessness

CEO of Missions Organization Based in NC Writes Unique Book on Modern-Day Bible Stories

Monday, April 30, 2007

Christian Evangelist Points to Christ on Islamic TV

It's Not MY Space, It's HisHolySpace...

Institute Applauds Miliband Speech at Vatican Environment Conference

RELEVANT Magazine Tackles Consumerism Among Twentysomethings

May is Stroke Awareness Month -- Get a Clue -- Get Educated -- Save Your Life

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice's Support for Partial Birth Abortion 'Confused, at Best' Says Fr. Pavone

Iowa Preventing Abuse Conference -- Cedar Rapids, May 11

U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon 2007 Underway

Two Million Anti-SOR Leaflets Sent to Scottish Voters

Startling New Research Explores Science of Love

There's a Devil Loose in America

Biblical Betrothal Family Camp in South Georgia

Third Annual Revelation Generation Music Festival Returns Labor Day Weekend 2007 with All-Star Lineup

Planned Parenthood Confesses to Committing More Abortions Than Ever

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