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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Raffaello Follieri Appointed Special Consultant to Pontifical Mission Societies

Looking at Sin Through a Creative Analogy

Remarks by President Bush After Roundtable Meeting with the Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders

Rev. Rob Schenck, President of the National Clergy Council, Calls on Christians to Pray for Edwards Family

National Pro-Life Leaders Join With KS Legislator in Complaint Against Judge Clark

Brownback, Kudlow Help CFF Promote Adoption at Lincoln Center

IRD Calls on the Episcopal Church's House of Bishops to Take Responsibility in Its Rhetoric

Family Institute of Connecticut to Hold Press Conference in Opposition to Same-Sex 'Marriage' Bill

Former eBay Sellers Now Selling Their Own Auction Site

Gov. Blunt Ends Funding for Planned Parenthood Program

Just a Spoonful of Poems Helps the Wounded Heart Smile

Water Missions International Launches Project SafeWater-Colon

Portland, OR Based 'Generation Unleashed' Listed in 'Top 100 Played Christian Bands' on Myspace.com Out of 50,000 Listed Christian Bands

New Book Honors Veterans on Canvas

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is the Resurrection of Christ Real? Scientists, Archeologists Now Have New Proof Positive Evidence

Victory for Faith-Based Groups Partnering with the Government

Christian Defense Coalition to Protest $28,500 Democratic Political Fundraiser Dinner

Joel Osteen's Audio Podcast Hits Top Ten on iTunes

New Release Helps Veterans Replace Traumatizing Images with Pictures of Peace

CWA Appoints Cindy Sieger as Area Director

National Priests Leader Urges South Carolina State House to Adopt Abortion Ultrasound Legislation

IPHC Ministries Charter Member of Christian Churches Together with Focus on Evangelism and Poverty

A Riveting Tale of Generational Abuse

Great Call-in, Interview Show -- The Passover Connection: Christians, Jews and the Holy War in the Holy Land

Home Schooled 15-Year-Old Uses His Music to Proclaim the Gospel

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Election of Nigerian United Methodist Bishop Comes Amid Explosive Growth

Gospel Music Channel Chosen as No.1 Network

Hurricane Pulls Author Out of Comfort Zone

Catholics Descend on Tiller's Abortion Mill for 72 Hours of Prayer

Author Shares Battles with Sexual Addiction, Chronic Pain, and Attempted Suicide

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