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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

African American Gospel Music Hall of Fame Established

Pro-life Youth Activists to Hold Public Witness and News Conference at Special Olympic Games Headquarters in Los Angeles

Monday, June 29, 2015

International Christian Visual Media Announces 2015 Crown Awards for Film and Television

National Religious Liberties Conference Scheduled November 6,7, 2015

Supreme Court is Wrong -- Gay Unions Are Not 'Marriage,' Says Creator of New Film on Homosexuality

Minnesota Author Writes #1 Amazon Best Seller, with a Twist

Pro-Life Teachers, Parents, Students to Picket NEA Teacher Convention in Orlando July 1 - Persuade NEA Delegates to Replace Abortion-related Policies with Position of 'No Position'

RegulationsR.us Begins ISIS Ad Campaign

Sports Minister: Homosexuals and Atheists to Work Together to Stop Christian Non-Profits

Make National Grandparents' Day a Day of Prayer for Your Grandchildren

Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Pastoral Call to Holy Christian Matrimony

Friday, June 26, 2015

Evangelical Church Alliance Statement on Supreme Court Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage

Statement from Jonathan Falwell Regarding Today's Supreme Court Ruling

Chief Justice Gives Ominous Warning on Marriage & Faith

Supreme Court's Marriage Ruling is Shocking Abuse of Power, Will Never Be Accepted

Rev. Steven Andrew: The USA Follows God Not a Sinning Supreme Court -- Prays for God to Forgive the USA

Supreme Court Makes Same-sex Marriage Okay

Supreme Court Undermines Rights of Children

A Catholic Christian's Response from John Michael Talbot on the Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage

Operation Save America Denounces Supreme Court Decision While in Idaho Today

Thomas More Society: SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision 'Judicial Activism Run Amok'

The National Black Church Initiative Reaches Out to the Gay Community in Light of Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage

Alveda King: God Will Have the Final Word About Marriage

Foundation Says Battle for Marriage Continues

Supreme Court Defies Reason, Constitution and God by Declaring Homosexuality to be Marriage

Georgia Baptist Convention Disagrees with SCOTUS Rulings in Obergefell v. Hodges

Bread Of Stone Hits Festival Circuit This Month

IRD: Supreme Court Marriage Ruling 'Fashion Over Law'

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Issues Statement Following US Supreme Court Decision on Marriage

Stars from EchoLight Studios' 'Vanished: Left Behind-Next Generation' Take to the Road This Summer

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