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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

$15 Million National Hispanic Leadership Initiative Announced

Madre de Siete Influye en la Nación: Una Mujer Llega a Millones de Votantes con su Video 'La Prueba de Fuego'

Tampa Business Executives Launch National Christian Business Magazine

ECFA Releases New Governance Toolbox Series

TV Ad Begins Airing in Miami-Ft. Lauderdale: 'Samuel L. Jackson Carries Water for Racists'

TV Ad Begins Airing: 'Samuel L. Jackson Carries Water for Racists'

Healthcare Insider Proposes Plan for a Major Reduction in Healthcare Costs

Are You a Republican Woman?

Over 1 Million Signed Up to Say No to Obama...and No to Romney...By Saying 'YES' to Jesus Nov. 6th

Who's in Charge of Church Choices: God or Money?

Monday, October 08, 2012

Bishop Harry Jackson Speaks Out Against Same-Sex Marriage

ADF Senior Counsel Austin Nimocks and Sen. Rick Santorum to Speak Against Same-Sex Marriage in Spokane and Bellevue, Washington

World Leader in Precision Manufacturing Joins Growing Number of Lawsuits Against Obamacare Mandatory Abortion Coverage

U.S. One of World's Fastest-growing Mission Fields

Just in Time for Halloween, Award Winning Author Releases Book in the Christian Horror Genre

FaithVillage Launches with 50 Shades of Evangelicalism

Catholic Entrepreneur and Family File Suit Against Federal Employer Mandate

City of Frankenmuth Rejects Demand to Remove 55 Foot Frankenmuth American Bicentennial Cross

Fireproof and Courageous Producer Visits Set of Christian Action Film

Muslims Offended--Soldier's Career Destroyed--Official Army Records Show Loss to Nation

Millions of Global Christians United in Prayer on October 7

Millones de Global Cristianos Unidos en oración el 7 de octubre durante el día de Oración por la Paz de Jerusalén

Angelico Press Announces the Publication of 'BEAUTY In The Word,' A New Book on Education by Stratford Caldecott

Great Commission Conference Eschews Watered Down Gospel, Encourages Bible-Centered Whole Family Outreach

Saturday, October 06, 2012

HIV AIDS Healed and Lepers Cleansed, Not Since Jesus Walked the Earth

Friday, October 05, 2012

Planned Parenthood Challenged for Dismantling Families

God Loves Sick Children...New Book Released to Tell Them

Emmaus Road Releases Public Policy Book on Definition of Marriage

Unemployment Rate for Millennials is 11.8 Percent

Radical Political Policy Changes Threaten American Values

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