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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pro-Abortion Blacks Attack Heir to King Legacy: Alveda King Calls for Boycott

Black and Unwanted -- Billboards Expose Racial Elements of Abortion and Adoption

New Partnership Provides Churches with a Complete Package to Engage Their Parishioners' Time, Talent, and Treasure

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ECFA President Signs Letter Urging Congress, Senate to Respect Faith-Based Hiring Rights

Going Back to School Met with Mixed Emotions

Help Fight anti-Israel Boycotts -- with Bottles of Living Water

Unite In Action, Inc. Announces the 2010 Liberty XPO & Symposium

Remuda Ranch Reports Cutting is Prevalent in Eating Disorder Patients

Tom Brokaw Endorses '... Riveting Tale of Heroism, Sacrifice and Public Service by a Charter Member of the Greatest Generation.'

Unite in Action Acquires Tea Party Exchange

Author Provides 'Spicy' Observations on the Past and Present

Jewish Artist Gives Obama Opportunity to Explain His Belief in Jesus

Grassroots Activists Respond to Abortion Crisis with Record-Setting 40 Days for Life Campaign

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Richard Viguerie: McCain Beats Hayworth; Tea Party Wins; Welcome Back to the GOP, Senator McCain

AP Writer Sees Open Sale of Hardcore Pornography in Baghdad Streets as a Good Sign, but Not Everyone in Iraq or U.S. Would Agree

ChurchLeaders.com Launches to Help Ministry Leaders Lead Better

America First

Thomas More Society Files Lawsuit in Michigan to Uncover Truth About Notorious Abortionist Dr. Alberto Hodari

Stanton Healthcare Announces Dedication Service for Two State of the Art Ultrasound Machines

Homeschooling: The Fastest-Growing Form of Education in the U.S.

Life Legal Defense Foundation Gets Loitering Charges Against Sidewalk Counselor Dismissed

Story of Bible's 'Good Thief' Told in New Book

Federal District Court Enjoins the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and its National Institutes of Health (NIH) from Unlawfully Funding Research Involving the Destruction of Living Human Embryos

Evangelical Left Icon Jim Wallis Finally Admits to Dollars from Billionaire Leftist George Soros

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mathcounts Reinstates Homeschool Teams

National 'Back To Church Sunday' Campaign Surpasses 1.2 Million Invitations

Emergency Packs Needed to Help Pakistani Christians Survive Flooding

Magazine Examines Potential Damage of Short-Term Missions

National Black Pro-Life Union's Day Gardner to Join Glenn Beck August 28th Rally

Black Leaders Tell Sarah Palin to Stick to the High Road

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