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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

University of Alabama Officials Arrest Demonstrators for Holding Pro-Life Signs on the Public Campus

KS Healing Arts Board Files Disciplinary Petition Against Tiller Late-term Abortion Cohort

Personhood Colorado Announces Amendment 62 Campaign Strategy

D.C. Pro-lifers to Beat and/or Hang Senator Graham in Effigy on Thursday, July 29, in Nations Capitol

Christian Leadership Alliance and Azusa Pacific University Join Forces

Why is Washington, D.C. Prohibiting Prayer and the First Amendment on the Public Sidewalk, but Protecting Abortion and Planned Parenthood

SBA List Launches $100,000 California Latino Voter Education Effort

Major Survey Shows 97 Percent Approval Rating of Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Experience

National Pro-Life Leaders to Confront Catholic Hospital with Abortionist on Staff

Pro-Life Group will Distribute Flyers Exposing Maryland Abortionist During 10th Annual 'Face the Truth' Tour

Moms, Babies Served by Heartbeat Pregnancy Help Centers Share Their Gratitude with Congress

'Taking the FCC Out of Regulating Indecency' Will Lead to More, Not Less, Indecency Despite What WSJ Columnist L. Gordon Crovitz May Think

Tennessee Sheriff Involved in Attempted Murder Cover Up and Theft of Church Property says Christian Citizens against Corruption

Monday, July 26, 2010

Religious Families Raise Better Children

Setting the Record Straight

Mission Aviation Fellowship President Uniquely Qualified to Give Insider Update on Post-Quake Haiti

Research Scientist Claims Crisis of Cheating and Censorship in Science Threaten Americans

Joe Scheidler to Lead Hospital Protest and Press Conference with Durango Life Advocacy Group LifeGuard

If Columnist Jacob Sullum is Right, Then the Inability to Precisely Define 'Indecent' and 'Obscene' Means Anything Can Air During TV Family Hour, Including Hardcore Pornography

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Satan is Real, and Knowing the Enemy is Half the Battle

Friday, July 23, 2010

NJRTL Applauds Governor Christie for Veto of S2139 -- Bill Would Have Restored $7.5M to Planned Parenthood/Family Planning Clinics

Life Legal Defense Foundation Gets All Criminal Charges Against Pro-Life Youth Dismissed

Personhood Colorado Announces Press Conference with Dr. Alan Keyes to Release Amendment 62 Strategy

Bestselling Author of '5 Love Languages' Reveals 'What I Wish I'd Known'

President Obama Chips Away at the U.S. Constitution

Protecting Life, Not Attacking Politicians

First Pro-Life Freedom Ride Events This Weekend

Michael Youssef Calls America to Return to Its Roots

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mommy Not Always Dearest During Treatment for Eating Disorders

Race Puzzle Solutions Emerge in the Sherrod Controversy says Dr. Alveda King

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