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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Christian TV Executive Forbids Network From Asking Viewers for Money

African American Christian TV Executive Forbids Network From Asking Viewers for Money

Free Audio Bible Podcasts in 400 Languages

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Book: Pill is Marital 'Cancer' -- Mentally, Physically and Spiritually

Planned Parenthood Lawsuit Ignores Women Coerced into Abortions

Standard Publishing Introduces VBS 2011 -- Inside Out & Upside Down on Main Street

Did Kagan Call Everyone She Introduced at Harvard Her 'Judicial Hero'

Running for Water -- Cross-Country Water Advocate Finishes in Atlantic City

Kagan's Abortion Activism Makes Her Unfit for Supreme Court

HBU Hosts LWI Orality Training Workshop: An Introduction to Contextual Bible Storying

Upheavals in Book Publishing Lead Industry Execs to Launch 'Somersault'

Kagan Reaffirms Extreme Pro-Abortion Position

Scalia Polite Comments on Aharon Barak Misrepresented as Endorsement

'Coptic Solidarity' Founding Conference

In the Manner of King Solomon: Nigerian Priest Releases a Book of Inspirational Wise Sayings, Quotes, and Anecdotes

New Christian TV Network Refuses to Ask Viewers for Donations, Solicit Paid Subscribers, or Air Fundraising Telethons

Elena Kagan - Global Law Disciple

Elena Kagan Demanded Sex-Change Operations and Bathroom Access as 'Equal Rights' for Cross-Dressing Harvard Students

Monday, June 28, 2010

AI is Disappointed that the US Supreme Court Today Defers Ruling on the Question of When Government Non-Discrimination Provisions Violate Students' First Amendment Rights of Free Expression, Religious Free Exercise and Freedom of Association

Catholic Families for America Announces Major Initiative in Support of Christine O'Donnell for Senate

CWA Objects to Pornography Industry Getting .xxx Domain

Christian Leader to Plead 'Not Guilty' at Arraignment After Being Arrested for Praying on a Public Sidewalk Outside of a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Washington, D.C.

The Foursquare Church Appoints Woman as General Supervisor

World Vision Statement Regarding Today's Ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States in 'Christian Legal Society v. Martinez'

'UnPoverty' Explores Rich Lessons from the Working Poor

Rape Case Illustrates Need for Improved Safety Procedures at Churches

Evangelist Launches Ministry to Reach All of North Dakota

Why a .XXX Top-Level Domain Won't Work

The Trouble with Twilight and Eclipse

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lutheran World Relief Responds to Growing Food Crisis in Niger

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